Are the poops watery or weird in consistency and could you please post a picture. Whatever it is, we can help you far better if you give a complete description. Are your quail acting any differently than normal? Do they look different than normal? What breed of quail do you have?

@007Sean, @casportpony and/or @TwoCrows might be able to help. I know nothing about quail or their feces.

And honestly, you probably can't do anything immediately, so calm down, breathe deeply, and remember that poop color is pretty subjective anyway.
Ashy grey poop can mean Ulcerative Enteritis. Kills fast. This bacteria moved through my quail flock years ago, grey poop, very thirsty birds, one bird in particular was quite ill. I used Duramycin in the water. I do not know if this med is the best treatment, however it worked very fast and it saved the entire flock.

Definitely post a pic so we can see the poop in question.
also, everything is fine now, the oen that poped the gray poop just pooped a normal one, the white and black colors were probably just mixed together or something. the one that pooped the gray one pooped a normal one. is that ok?
I agree with @TwoCrows , I had the same situation years ago, nearly wiped out my entire flock before getting under control.
I had to have a vet prescribe injectable Tetracycline, which I then mixed with their drinking water. At that time, you couldn't get it over the counter, like you can now.
Both Duramycin and Tetracycline are used for UE.
If you think that's what they have, do not hesitate to get medication or they will all perish.
Make sure your waterers and feeders are absolutely clean as they are the method in which UE is contracted, contaminated waterers with feces are the main source and spread of the disease.

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