Help!!! Sheep RAMMING people !!!

calgal98, have you ever had to use the board that you would take in with you? i'm at the point where i don't trust him AT ALL. i always watch my back. i let the sheep graze in the yard but now i will have to keep them locked up in their pasture when people are visiting. that could be a hefty lawsuit.
I never had to use the board, but was always prepared to. My boys didn't get spoiled and I wouldn't allow anyone to play with them as I knew where that would lead. The boys always seemed to know when I had the board, though. I fed over the fence most of the time, but would have to give shots and trim feed/ shear, so I was always prepared.

Good luck with your boy.
Very true, now add that it is a Barbado. Our experience has been that the tame hair sheep males will remain aggressive all year long once they start this behavior. It will be worse when females are ready to breed. Plus add that the hair sheep can breed anytime & even twice a year.

Most of our ewes had lambs this winter/early spring, now several have had lambs again starting a couple weeks ago.

Kuntrygirl---Does your ram have horns????

He weighs over 200lbs.

That is heavy for a Barbado.

The spray bottle will probably work for a while! But if he has advanced for just rubbing on you like you posted a couple weeks ago to now ramming you, I would quess the spray bottle will be short lived!
I hope I'm wrong!​
I was gonna suggest a cattle prod but I read through the posts first and was relieved that KellyHM suggested it first. Zap that puppy big time! He is going to hurt you.
spectrumranch, he does not have horns. that was 1 of the things that was VERY important to me. i did NOT want a ram with horns. i am afraid of horns, so I made sure that when i began looking for male sheep, he didnt have horns. horns can do too much damage.

yes, i see you remember my post a few weeks back. well, he got worst. the rubbing has advanced to ramming. it's unbelievable to me. i can't believe he would do that to me.

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