Hen Laying 2 Eggs- Danger?

klmclain, that is some cool info!
Plymouth Rocks come in different colors; Barred, Blue, Black, White, Splash, Buff.........and I may be leaving some out.
I had a little hen many years ago who would lay 2 eggs a day 3 times a week. And I know it was her because I only had the 1 hen at the time. The rest of the time it was 1 egg a day. I picked the eggs every morning, so it wasn't a case of her laying late one day and early the next. It does happen.
Interesting, dragonlair,

How long did your hen live? What breed was she? What became of her?


I let them out about 8 a.m. and put them to bed about 8:15 p.m. There isn't really a good way to keep light out of the run. I suppose I could put boards up alongside it? But they seem much happier when outside than inside, and I figure they both need as much daily exercise as possible, in case they are too fat, which puts them at higher risk for getting eggbound and having peritonitis?

I'm probably going to be brow-beat for this, but it's just not natural or normal for a hen to lay more than 1 egg per 24 hour period. Even it is was possible and documented through some sort of scientific study, I still wouldn't want that hen on my farm. It's most likely some sort of effect humans have had doing selective breeding for high production. We shouldn't sacrifice high production for the original beauty of the original breed or even the health of the hen. I would think it would shorten her life span. Have you ever seen a hen lay an egg? I wouldn't want any of mine to go through that more than once a day just for the sake of saying, "Well, my hen lays 2 eggs a day."
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As KimClain found through her excellent research (she posted what she found, so now you can read it for yourself!), it IS already well documented through scientific research. Way to go, KimClain!

I do feel sorry for my chicken, who has to go through the stress and strain of laying two eggs a day. I would not want to be in her shoes.

I didn't buy her because of her excellent egg-laying abilities. She was a given to me as a gift by a friend last year. She and her sister Easter are the first chickens I have ever had. My neighbor who gave her to me had no idea of her special abilities, either. Because he's my neighbor, he gets to enjoy the extra eggs she lays, so that is nice.

I certainly wouldn't want to get rid of her just because she is different. I like differences in people and chickens who just don't fit the mold. I like ethnic diversity, and I like chicken diversity. She enjoys her life, hard though it may be at times. I can see it in her eyes, and in the way she runs toward me, wings a-flappin'-- full of fun and energy.

But you are entitled to your opinion, certainly. What would you do if she were yours? Would you cull her out? Just curious...

Her sister, 'Easter,' doesn't lay two eggs at a time, but I love her just as much as I love the two-egg-a-day chicken 'Esther.' I hope they both live long, long lives, but if they don't, I will have loved and enjoyed them thoroughly, anyway-- quality over quantity-- and that is all that counts.

By the way, I don't eat eggs, myself. I give their eggs away to those who enjoy eating them.

Each of my chickens brings me great delight, with their winsome personalities and fun ways. I am so glad my life has been blessed with them, and that they have been blessed with the love I give to them. I wouldn't have it any other way. Esther's 'problem' has made my life more interesting and educated me as to chicken differences that many people deny exist. Even if her life is shortened due to her 'difference,' she will die knowing she was loved and valued for who she is, not for what she can nor cannot do. As will her sister.

I didn't join this thread to be ridiculed or to cause an argument. Yes, you are right to say everybody has an opinion, which I have stated mine.

It is up to what your vision for your flock is whether or not you keep her. For me, yes, I would cull - either rehome or stewpot. I have several reasons which I will not list here since they are not relevant to the original question.
I suspect "greenfamilyfarms" would cull to prevent furthering the line?? Whereas "Clarescifi" has two hens simply as egg-producing pets with no intention of breeding. If I'm wrong on either or both thoughts, my apologies. I don't think anyone is trying to ridicule... I know my research was simply to satisfy my curiosity as there were some strong differing opinions.

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We have a LF Cochin who laid 3 eggs twice, and 2 weeks of 2 eggs daily. Did all the dark ideas, vet trips, etc. KSU did a hyster on Cyborg, and she is now a foster momma to brooder babies. Too good at that for a stewpot.
Cyborg, named for the fighter, was 16 mths when she started the known 2 eggs a day. We KNOW the 3 a day because she was an inside chook then, and that is what sent us to KSU.

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