Hens roosting in trees


5 Years
Aug 8, 2014
Two of my hens have started roosting outside the coop in a nearby tree. I am concerned with predators as well as them not using the egg box for laying. Should I worry? If so, how do I break them?
Yes, predators will get them! You can feed only in the coop, and lock them in when they go in. Is there a problem with the coop, or competition among the birds? Is there a reason these birds don't want to be in? If ther's an issue that needs to be fixed, that will help. You might have to chase them out of the trees. Good luck! Mary
The two birds roosting outside are definitely the subordinate birds. The two other hens are higher in pecking order. But they coexist outside the coop together during the day. The two outsiders were newer additions to the flock (early spring this year)
I used to have a lot of hens that roosted up in trees when I had them free-ranging. I never had a problem. Even now I have a lot who sleep up on top of the coop. Some are just free-spirits.
The two birds roosting outside are definitely the subordinate birds. The two other hens are higher in pecking order. But they coexist outside the coop together during the day. The two outsiders were newer additions to the flock (early spring this year)
How big is your coop(feet x feet)?
How long is your roost(feet)?
How old are they?
Have the 2 new ones ever roosted in the coop?
I have three 4 month old hens. They haven't given any eggs yet. They have a nice coop surrounded by a 10'x5' enclosed run. I let them out to free range in the mornings but around 4 pm they fly/hop into the trees above the coop. I can mostly trick them into the run with corn kernels but I'm afraid they won't lay eggs in the nesting boxes since they like the trees better. Should I worry?
I have three 4 month old hens. They haven't given any eggs yet. They have a nice coop surrounded by a 10'x5' enclosed run. I let them out to free range in the mornings but around 4 pm they fly/hop into the trees above the coop. I can mostly trick them into the run with corn kernels but I'm afraid they won't lay eggs in the nesting boxes since they like the trees better. Should I worry?
1 liter soda bottle and a handful of pennies inside.

They go into tree, haze them out with soda bottle. They'll get the point.

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