Hey Northerners: What is the absolute coldest air temps your chickens have experienced happily!

THX, I use a mister some of the time. It is a rinky dink deal that my dog often knocks down so I must tie it to something. I used to freeze water in gallon milk jugs and put them in the pan or on the ground. My friends chickens would lie against hers but mine don't and my freezer hasn't room to freeze something that big. It sounds like you girls are in great shape to handle the heat! :)
Not that cold this year yet, but I've had chickens with no heat down to -20F. They still went outside as long as there was no wind, even with snow drifting down. Mine are always scared of the first snowfall of the year, but then they get used to it and only stay in on freezing-rain days.
Nothing like the voice of experience to hear that chickens survive just fine in 20 below and 30 below weather!
Great to hear from everyone!
I feel kind of like a wuss. Here you guys are saying like all these huge temps below 0, and it might get around 8 above 0 tonight. Anyways, today I put in a submersible 200w fish tank heater in the chickens water bucket with nipples, the water will probably be around 70, so when they drink their water it will warm the insides of them and encourage them to drink. It was $21 at the pet store.
It's been in the teens here at night for the past week. Tomorrow is supposed to get to -4. I have six hens and no heat in the coop. The humidity is very low here in Northern Nevada, and I wonder if that helps them. It's a dry cold, ha ha. They rarely leave the coop during the day when the highs stay down in the 20's, They don't look happy to me, but I know that I'm anthropomorphizing.
I live on the North Dakota Minnesota border and my coop thermometer says 0 Fahrenheit but my roosters combs are frostbitten. What can I do about it?
We have 2 hens in a 4x4 coop in MN... Its my first winter, so we're trusting that they will be fine in this -20 weather without lights. But should we close the door of the coop at night? If so, should we be moving the water in the coop every night as well? Currently the run is covered to keep the weather out and the water has been staying out there.

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