HomesteadNowhere Hatch-a-long! Set April 7, hatch April 28!

Most of the eggs were early quitters. Just yolk and the barest snot spot of development. Yolk and a little booger of development. Of the 12 just pulled a couple must have quit soon after candling last time. About half were more developed but you could see some were still blobs and some I could see were bird shaped with big heads and eye bulges.
I tried to candle my Ameraucana and CLB. All 9 Ameraucana are not developing at all. I’m wondering if the roo wasn’t doing his job or is shooting blanks. I have them separated with my other Ameraucana roo now and will try again in 2 weeks. My CLB eggs are too dark to see inside. Last year they were blue and this year they have turned more green. They were good from the pair last year so I’ll leave all 8 in and hope for the best. Checked air cells on the 15 day welsh duck eggs and it’s looking good.
Checking in-
candled last night, all 15 still look viable. ( had a tragedy last weekend, 1 was dropped :barnie)

What a big difference this is from shipped eggs. I've never had full clutch make it this far.
Hello I am doing a staggered hatch. First set eggs on 4/12. I have RIR roosters over RIR, BPR, and Cinnamon Queen. I hope the breeds are true so I can breed my own Black sex link chicks. Only 10 eggs were for sure when I candled them. I ended up pulling 12 eggs and replacing with 25 eggs on 4/22. So hatching on May 3 and May 11. My turner won't work with so many eggs so I am using the 2 x 4 method of tipping the incubator for turning 2-3 times a day. My two RIR roos are huge, tallest chickens I ever had. I hope to raise the roosters as free range meat birds. With a successful hatch I will have pullets to sell. I will keep these birds for a few months until I know that the sex link bred true. Then I can confidently sell day old black sex link chicks as pullets. I raise standard roosters as meat birds. I butcher them young while they are still tender.
Lockdown! Technically not for some more hours but ya.. Candled a couple just because. Saw some movement which is encouraging! Have everything at the ready to increase humidity. Since it ended up 30 eggs and my plastic egg flat hold 30... I decided to set them upright for lockdown and hatching. Having the chicks kickball the other eggs around was annoying. I can put the 5 B/FR eggs on one edge and use a lingerie bag to know those chicks from the rest.
I'm so unprepared for lockdown! I've been focused too much on getting the brooder ready. I think I'm going to have to do the setup in my kitchen.
Edit: lockdown in my kitchen where I can monitor humidity. Brooder in the garage!
Oh no.. I just have a sauce jar with the lid set ajar on top. It brought the humidity up to about 50%. I have a strip of that really absorbent microfiber towel, cut about 2 inch wide. It's easy to set in the jar like an upside down U. If the humidity needs raised more just pull more of the towel up for surface area.

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