How do I kill ants in and around chicken coop?

Bryce Thomas

Mar 21, 2021
Gilbert, AZ
So outside of the coop ants have bored through plastic and getting into massive 50lbs feed bags and inside the coop have made mounds so big it makes olympus mons look like a joke and they get into both my treadle feeders and my chickens wont do anything about them.

I have done everything the elder chicken owners say, drown em with water they come back with even bigger mounds

I walk over them with shoes that just aggravates them and after doing that I have over 20 painful sores over my feet and legs

Im thinking about ant poison (for ants outside the coop and run) but I don't want them taking the poison and walking into the run or coop then one of my chickens ingest the poison. What should I do?

Also, yes I have used the 1:1 water and white vinegar stuff but that only kills aphids and other pest which is good but it doesn't kill all the ants and they rebuild so its a big problem for me
Try sprinkling some cinnamon around the feed sacks and coop. It kills the ants and it won't hurt the chickens.
Hi All. I know I'm very late to this conversation but I'm having an ant problem in my run. Red ants! Is the Martin's also good for spraying around the run? Specifically, is it harmful to the hens if they ingest something the spray has hit? I've always been told permethrin is dangerous for animals. I could be thinking of something else. Anyway, I don't have a need to spray it on the girls for ants. I only just noticed the ants today. I just want to rid them from the run asap.
I live in Florida and my hens are not free range. 2 orpingtons, 1 polish and 2 silkies.

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