How do you catch a sick duck in a pond - she can't get out

I have a large rubber dish pan for mine along with a big blue circular pan from TSC with handles on it to dump. Then I have a smaller dish pan for my smaller ducks that work well. I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you can find something for her to make her feel better too. A mirror does work great for the smaller ones and I would think it would work for a bigger duck too. It works for small birds like parakeets throughout their lives so maybe it will.
I didn't manage to catch her (despite two people to help and a boat and two landing nets.... she went like the clappers when she had to, charging around the pond and through water lily pads - so much so I thought she would hurt herself more). I thought she was getting perkier after a few days although she still couldn't stand on the bad leg -- but sadly a fox got her and one of her friends. I think this is because they weren't sitting where they normally do (out by an island) but close to shore, because she chose to do that (close to food)... though I'm surprised a predator got two when they would both have been in the water. Very sad but I really did my best. I would probably give up on ducks as being too difficult, but as I only had one left, I have found two more (same breed) to join her - she has been very miserable, mourning and yelling and very reluctant to go away for the night.

For years I used to have small white ducks that could fly as well as mallards (seemed to be white mallards that bred true, can't find the breed) and they did fine. The cayugas and white campbells lay better but need much more attention. The originals (inherited, introduced locally 50 years ago) died out because over the years the flock became 90% male!

Wish me luck with the new little flock... I am still sick inside to have lost Coogie...:-(
Oh I am sorry you lost Coogie.... Sending hugs 🌬️💌 much love and luck with your new flock 🌠🦆
I am so sorry for your loss. I am soon rehoming one or two of my drakes and I feel bad about that let alone if a predator got them. I can't imagine what that must feel like. I hope all works out well for you in the future with ducks. They can be a handful at times for sure.
quick update to you friendly folks: she now has a mirror (thank you, charity shop)... she may be using it, I'm not sure. every time i approach she thinks I'm going to let her out (she can see the pond from where she is, as I didn't move the coop). I haven't seen her drink or preen for 3 days, since her friend was taken. Her water is going down, though. And she still hardly makes a noise, just peeping. I think she is more relaxed but she is not happy ... I feel mean but know I'm keeping her safe...
quick update to you friendly folks: she now has a mirror (thank you, charity shop)... she may be using it, I'm not sure. every time i approach she thinks I'm going to let her out (she can see the pond from where she is, as I didn't move the coop). I haven't seen her drink or preen for 3 days, since her friend was taken. Her water is going down, though. And she still hardly makes a noise, just peeping. I think she is more relaxed but she is not happy ... I feel mean but know I'm keeping her safe...
Its not surprising she hasnt got much of an appetite, poor girl

Have you tried any treats? Some scrambled eggs, soaked mealworms, peas, or wetting her feed, might get her interest a bit.
Or you could add some vitamins to her drinking water, just to keep her strength up a little.

I know you feel mean, but you're absolutely doing the best thing for her. Stay strong :hugs
Thanks for the encouragement. I have been giving her peas but she hasn't eaten them with me watching since I penned her in (peas was how I coaxed her into the pen). The first night they didn't even go from her bowl, but they did next day. Peas are more fun when you can catch them in shallow water, though :). I don't think she's hurt, maybe she lost her voice making a big fuss when the predator came (double glazing cuts the noise out). Ill try some other treats :)
I had to rehome my huge Muscovy Drake today and got a 3 month old Muscovy Hen and Khaki Campbell young hen in replacement. The big Drakes sister has taken to the new Muscovy and doesn't even seem to miss her brother that she has been with since birth. I hope you can find another duck for yours. It will make it feel a lot better. My flock took to the new ones right away and all is well with them now.
Just a quick update. Bella the lone Campbell has started quacking again and she definitely likes her mirror (in fact she barely moves a foot from it except when I put her to bed or feed her, or when she is stretching her wings). She is still very nervous. I do feel she would be happier with a friend but after losing 8 ducks this year I'm reluctant. Also, the ducks were intended to have a lovely life on our big pond, keeping down the slugs and snails (like our previous ducks).... being in a pen isn't the same. My plan was to see if we can keep her safe for 3 months and then consider gettng her a friend, but my heart breaks for her, she does need a friend... I'm also contemplating extending her run so she can sit with her feet wet on a paving slab in the pond (this is where she used to spend almost all day sittin
when she could go anywhere). It would be harder to get her in but I think she'd prefer it.

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