How long for your new flock to adjust


8 Years
Feb 15, 2011
AZ City
Does anyone have an estimate on how long it might take a new flock to adjust to a new location before they return to laying? I have a small flock of 4 longhorns who were not laying when I got them 2 weeks ago but laid two eggs the next day. Then had one egg since. In the week following I moved them to another enclosed area of the yard so they can free range. No eggs since I moved them.

The second flock of 5 Spitzhauben hens and a roo were laying 4 eggs a day until I brought them home a week ago. I tried to recreate their past living conditions as much as possible with the exception we clipped their wings because the pen has no roof over it. They have not laid one egg.

My husband thinks it's because our 9 year old likes to go out to the pen and pet the chickens. Once he catches them, they don't seem to mind that he sits and pets them. Could this cause stress and delay their laying or do I just need to allow them more time to adjust to the new living arrangements.
If your 9 year old is chasing them, that could indeed be part of the problem. Handling and petting should not be a problem, but chasing is another matter. He needs to learn to coax them to him with a treat, preferably seated with his hand outstretched. Chasing sets off their run-from-prey instincts. Adrenalin and eggs don't mix well.
Yippy, one hen from the older flock laid today and the German flock made alot of noise and dug nests into the dirt and before the close of day one of those hens also laid. I'm so happy to see them happy... Who would have thought this egg raising could be such much fun? When I tell my friends they look at me as if I've taken a plunge off the deep end...

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