How long to give probiotics after antibiotics


Expecting Miracles
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
runner duck had five days of Tylan so now I’m giving her probiotics I have Probios powder for a one to 10 pound bird it says a half a teaspoon the first few days I sprinkled it on peas and she ate them, but I had to let her sister share, because when I separated her from the rest of the flock to eat the peas she just went crazy so today I mixed the half teaspoon into two ML of water and syringe it down her throat It works well, but I hate doing it. I feel like I’m torturing. so how often or how long do I need to continue the probiotics?
I don't know for sure even trying to find it online I couldn't. When my Runner had bumble and the vet put her on a 14-day course of antibiotics after she was done I sprinkled the probiotic on her feed daily for 3 days. She was in the house so she didn't have any competition.
I think 3-5 days of probiotics should be enough. If the duck's digestion is upset by the antibiotics -- lots of liquid poop with virtually no solid -- maybe use for a week. I have only ever given probiotics for 3 days and my ducks have never had an adverse reaction to antibiotics

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