How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

DH and I tried it once (on six roosters) and quickly realized that we're no good at it, and at our age, not really interested in learning. Fortunately we have a lovely Mennonite lady a couple of miles away who does a wonderful job of it and only charges $2 a head (pun not intended). She will always get our business.
I wish I knew someone like her. Thanks for the fun conversation! I just gave you another follower.
DH and I tried it once (on six roosters) and quickly realized that we're no good at it, and at our age, not really interested in learning. Fortunately we have a lovely Mennonite lady a couple of miles away who does a wonderful job of it and only charges $2 a head (pun not intended). She will always get our business.
Oh you have a real prize there!!! If I did I would definitely raise some meat birds!
It's hard, isn't it? I got 7 eggs from my 18 girls today. I have 11 pullets, 4 weeks old coming on. Sigh. Chicken math has to include subtraction from time to time. But I will put it off as long as I can.
Yep - I have quite a few (8) lawn ornaments here, they wander around looking pretty and eating - I figure they earned it though. I have the space so I can let them be.

So far today I have 2 eggs, but it was only 6am when I left the barn so I am sure to have a good haul again today.

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