How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

One of our Our New Hampshire Reds has laid 6 out of the last 8 days after laying her first egg 8-8-16. The other six pullets have contributed 4 eggs total. I told them yesterday they have 2 more weeks before I plug in the rotisserie. ;). Hopefully they will understand the importance of my impatience.
I got 4 eggs today from 5 chickens, my second Rhode Island Red laid her first egg today. The second egg from the left. From left to right: RIR, RIR, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington
Congratulations on the new egg layer My count yesterday was 5/10. Can't eait for the day I walk out to find 9-10 eggs from my isa brown ladies
24 so far, will check before 9 pm if there are some late layers +1 @8pm. This new layers are all over the place. My first batch done laying mostly @12pm
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After a heat break yesterday, she is back at it today! I wish I saw for sure which one was laying as it is only an educated guess at the moment.
Can't wait for the others to start!

Edited: upon closer inspection, I actually had 2 eggs today.
One appears to be the same as my layer that has laid 3 prior for a total of 4, but the other is a different shape, larger and a slightly different color, so I believe I may now have 2 laying pullets!!!

Far right is one of the 3 previous eggs, next to that is one one we got today that I think is from the same and the one on the far left is the larger slightly different one :)
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