How reliable are automatic coop doors?

Like most things, they are reliable until they aren't. A slightly trite response but an honest answer to your question.

I have the standard model from Chicken Guard. I've had it a few months. So far it's worked. I know people who have had this model for longer and so far they've worked.
I think the best approach is to assume at some point it will fail and make arrangements on this assumption. For me the important factor is the coop door opens in the mornings because I can't be there to let the chickens out. I will eventually move the auto door opener to the coop extension which will mean that the chickens can leave the coop but not the extension where I provide food and water.
This is the current arrangement. The auto door opener will be fitted to a door at the end of the coop extension, the part with the white tarpaulin.
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I personally NEVER like string doors, especially the commercially made and sold. Too many factors that I do not like. The only thing I did like is the fact that they can be put almost anywhere. Well only one till I made my own, on a whim.

I know people who have had this model for longer and so far they've worked.
That may be true but I have also heard many stories and read many bad reviews. The main complaint that I read about this specific one and others is when the board goes bad. At $139 having to replace one, is basically having to buy a whole new unit. Read a lot of good reviews, and people like you commenting, also. But it almost feels like a 1 to 1 ratio.

Are you using it on timer mode or Photocell? If photocell is it doing good under the plastic? Any issues?
I have 2 chicken guard doors on my two coops & in 6 years have not really had any problems. I still check on them every morning & night to make sure they have opened or closed. I had batteries die on me once & the door only opened part way. I'm usually pretty good at checking on the batteries & it does flash when the batteries are going low, but it faces away from the house so I don't always notice it. We thought about hooking it up to power but then would have issues when we lose power (& we lose power a lot).

They are invaluable to me. We go away for the weekend every once in a while & I don't have to have anyone let them in & out. I do have a camera on the coops so I can check on them while away.
Ive gone back and forth about getting an automatic door for our coop. I think I may have even made a post about it a while back. We have a coop attached to a run and do not free range. The run is secure but technically something could dig under. We aren't too concerned because we are in a neighborhood, have NEVER seen a raccoon, coyote, fox or possum, never had our trash messed with, and when my husband uses his stinky fish carcass fertilizer for the garden its never tampered with. We also have a 6 foot wooden privacy fence around our entire yard and are enclosed by fences on three sides from other neighbors. we also have a large yard full of dog smells from our 4 hounds. The entire perimeter of our home has cameras and none have EVER caught an animal other than a deer and stray cat. I know there is still a risk, but for now we aren't concerned.

That being said, I have no desire to test our predator theory once the sun goes down. I go out every evening to shut the coop door (which is an extremely secure coop) and open it when the sun comes up. It's not the biggest deal in the world to do it but I wonder if Id be happier with an auto door. I know there are a bunch out there and im mostly looking at the run chicken one, but I guess my question is how many people are thrilled with their auto doors and how many regret it or hate it. I have wifi cameras inside the run so I could check to see the door is shut at night and open in the morning, but has anyone here had an incident where the auto door didn't open or close? Anyone have an incident that had them go back to a manual door?
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