
Jul 31, 2018
We live on the edge of a forest, and our duck pen has been overrun with opportunistic insects looking for a free meal from the duck feed. Not to mention the ton of mosquitoes! Anyone have good insect repellant tips or tricks? I think I'm going to try diatomaceous earth in their feed this weekend. Any other advice is very appreciated :hugs
Mosquitoes breed in wet places, even soggy ones so be sure everything is well drained and there isn't junk lying around holding stagnant water.. as for the woods, yikes! Depends on how wet it is it may always be a problem...
A fan helps with mosquitos if you're ducks need a respite and you can rig one up in a "rain proof" area...
I have thought about taking up my chicken feed at night, just so it's not there for rodents and whatever. Is there a way you can feed them twice a day so food isn't left behind? Or pick it up at night? I'm not sure of any other way to keep insects from stopping by when they are right there. Diotomaceous Earth will definitely kill insects that wander through it if you sprinkle it around the feeders but I"m not sure that's what you want to do... and be sure to use a food grade version for feeding and just in case. There are some essential oils that repel insects but I don't know how safe they are around ducks.

I"m sure others will have loads of ideas, I"m new to this whole thing but I know a lot about insects:) good luck!
I’d look up natural remedies just because a few have worked for me , I also have Konk which kills all bugs and is safe for the birds .....

I put fresh peppermint stuck threw my window screens in the coop , I literally had no flys the next morning , I’d had so many I was wearing a mask so I didn’t eat too many ;(

Also apparently vanilla and lemon ??haven't tried that as I have tones of mint growing ,
Mint grows wild around here, just no where near my house. Would that help for next year? This is their pen, just for reference


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I wouldn't use DE in the feed. It can cause respiratory problems..I also live in a tree filled area. You could put up a bug zapper close to the pen and turn off that big light at night. The Mosquitos never bothered my Ducks at all. Keep the kiddie pool out of the pen or Dump it after each use.
Only bugs I have a problem with are the flies this time of year. Although my Ducks eat them like candy..
Mint grows wild around here, just no where near my house. Would that help for next year? This is their pen, just for reference

Yes for sure , transplant some to beside your coop , it grows like a weed ..

I just cut some off and laid it in my windows and stuck some threw the screens, it smelled really good too!

Once it dries they came back , blasted flies , in my house , in my coop !!!they drive me crazy ,

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