Hubby disinterested in poultry..

I'd be satisfied that he's supportive of your hobby.  Maybe birds just aren't his cup of tea.  Granted I thought the same of my husband (he hated that I came into the relationship with pet birds) but now he's even more protective of the chickens than I am, though he mostly enjoys simply watching them.  But I do like the idea of asking him for his input on new birds, as that makes him part of the process instead of just "coop builder" or "sick chicken nurse."

Yes I think getting him involved in the fun parts probably would be better then always the negative lol
My hubby says, "I don't do hints!" And it's so true. be up front. As for enjoying the chickens, hubby will occasionally toss them an apple core, and stand by to watch the scrimmage. That's about as close to "enjoying" them, as he gets. Oh, then... there's the eggs for breakfast, and I make a great chicken stew. He enjoys those as well!
No your right. I haven't spoke to him about it. I have dropped little hints but not come out and said anything lol. Maybe it is as simple as talking to him lol.
Well, that's part of the problem right there. You can't hint. My hubby doesn't do hints either. If I don't just come right out and say it, he doesn't get it.
Oh, then... there's the eggs for breakfast, and I make a great chicken stew. He enjoys those as well!

Oh yes, mine definitely enjoys the perks of having chickens - eggs! On my own I eat 1 egg a day and that's enough. But my hubby's happy to eat them all day long. He used to beg constantly for things like egg salad (way too expensive with purchased eggs) and deviled eggs and now eggs are on the menu every few days.
My husband has zero interest in my poultry except for eating them. I actually find it a perk, as I don't want to be fighting with my husband over breed choices, how many to keep, how many to buy, or culling decisions. This is my hobby. I want to have sole control over my chicken empire. He of course does the hard stuff, but has no interest in enjoying them. He has his own hobbies that I have no interest in either.
My hubby says, "I don't do hints!"  And it's so true.  be up front.  As for enjoying the chickens,  hubby will occasionally toss them an apple core, and stand by to watch the scrimmage.  That's about as close to "enjoying" them, as he gets.  Oh, then... there's the eggs for breakfast, and I make a great chicken stew.  He enjoys those as well!  

Well, that's part of the problem right there. You can't hint. My hubby doesn't do hints either. If I don't just come right out and say it, he doesn't get it. 

It's attached to the Y chromosome.  (the no hint thing.)

Lol yeah my husband doesn't do well with hints either lol.

Oh yes, mine definitely enjoys the perks of having chickens - eggs!  On my own I eat 1 egg a day and that's enough.  But my hubby's happy to eat them all day long.  He used to beg constantly for things like egg salad (way too expensive with purchased eggs) and deviled eggs and now eggs are on the menu every few days.

My hubby loves having the eggs. Unfortunately we keep silkie who just like being broody lol. Me and the kids don't mind. We love chicken math sonit works out. Been thinking of adding some egg layers for my hubby though lol

My husband has zero interest in my poultry except for eating them. I actually find it a perk, as I don't want to be fighting with my husband over breed choices, how many to keep, how many to buy, or culling decisions. This is my hobby. I want to have sole control over my chicken empire. He of course does the hard stuff, but has no interest in enjoying them. He has his own hobbies that I have no interest in either.

My hubby is a busy body meddler so he always has his nose in my chicken business anyways lol. At least if he was more involved he could make more informed decisions lol
My hubby is a busy body meddler so he always has his nose in my chicken business anyways lol. At least if he was more involved he could make more informed decisions lol
Maybe that's his way of showing interest. He can be interested without being overjoyed by them. Mine likes to help (as in take over) when I'm trying to work on a coop or fence. Granted, I'm one of the most mechanically impaired people in the world, so he knows he might as well just do it right the first time rather than fix whatever it is I've tried to do. During the school year when I'm working, he will let them out, pick eggs (actually, we almost have to race to the coops when I'm home because we both like picking eggs), and feed and water them. Often, since his shop and office are down by the coops, he will also lock them up when he comes in for the night, too. But he can't tell you which chickens are in what coop. He never remembers how many eggs came out of which coop, and when the mink took out 6 of my hens earlier this winter, he couldn't tell me which ones they were (he discovered them and disposed of them while I was at work). When asked, his answer was, "I don't know. A couple of black and white ones, maybe a brown one... I didn't pay attention." I usually make the decisions, he sighs, nods, and goes along with it.
My husband isn't a big fan of the chickens but I found out recently when I rehomed my adult flock and the backyard was chicken free for a few weeks, he missed them almost as much as me! Hubby has a interest in electronic building things so he made me a uber awesome incubator and hatcher. Hes made the cage birds (budgies, cockatiels and finches) great aviaries but my chickens get hoop coops :( you can tell which animals he loves the best and chickens it is not. He's really great at chicken math though and forces me to thin the flocks when my numbers get too high. I really am terrible at chicken math. thought I had maybe 20 spares but turned out it was 45, so hubby was right.

I have seen him give meal worms to begging chickens, so he may eventually come around. I recently bought some "manly" chicks hoping to get his interest, so we will see..He will cull chicks that need it and volunteers for that sort of, mainly for my sake because he knows I struggle with it on my babies. As long as he's tolerant of my chicken obsession, he doesn't have to join in. I'll love him anyway and still talk chickens because we both know he can shut off hearing me when he wants to haha!
My hubby, wants me to be happy, if it is chickens and a garden, so be it. While he eats the fruits of my labor and teases me about my wrecks, he is not a chicken man. However, when the coons came... he did do the trapping and disposal. He did build a humungous run. And he never batted an eyelash, when my son in law built a new coop... just the way I wanted.

Mrs K

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