HUGE Rant About Home-Life

I was hoping that he and I could get some snuggle time before dinner. He made me dinner again!
But, he started making it as soon as I walked in the door. I just wanted to sit there with him...and even told him that. But he has this thing that if he DOESN'T eat, he will turn into a huge bear.

I think the major thing is that he is ticked about the dogs. I'm telling him point blank tonight that if he can't get over them, then I am going to be moving into the other room and the h-e-double hockey sticks with him. They are not bad dogs! They are adorable and mind VERY well considering they are locked up for 8 or 9 hours out of the day.

He gets pissy when they come out and want to play...and are excited to see me! God forbid something else take up my time...

ANYWAY...that's the end of today's rant.


Did you guys put up with this? I'm thinking about calling his mom and having her take him back home to live in her bosom. Only issue is...he's legally bound to the lease for this apartment.
It's great that he got the hint and made dinner the past couple of nights, that's a lovely start. It also sounds like you need to have an honest conversation about the dogs. Sometimes couples can fall into the trap of not actually talking to each other, but just snipping. If the dogs are keeping him from sleeping or creating big messes that he has to deal with, then yes he has some grievances to air. However, if he just doesn't like sharing your time then that is a different matter. There are some men who get petty, jealous and resentful of their own children because it takes their SO's attention away from them. It's best if you find out now if that's his pattern BEFORE you commit to each other in a major way.

You two are both plenty old enough to live together independantly of parents, but it's important to come to each other with love and respect when you have issues. It sounds like underneath it all, that may be the bigger problem.
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Love me, love my animals. We're a package deal and they are vital to my mental health.
That's how my farm boy DH went from living 40+ years never having an animal living in the house to a house with 2 cats, a growing puppy at his feet, a couple of fish and a bunch of renegade chickens right outside the kitchen door.
I was thinking the same thing. find out the root of why he is upset about the dogs. If it is behavioral (maybe they don't mind him like they do you) etc, then there is some work to be done.... However if it really is because he is jealous of the attention they get they you need to think long and hard. How do you think he will be if you 2 have a baby, if he is jealous of a dog?? I am rooting for the best, however!
A little confused: So if he wants to sit with you, he is being selfish, but if you want to sit with him, he is being selfish. The tension might not be 100% his fault...just a thought.

Edited to clarify quotes.
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Oh it's definitely not all him. But I had texted him earlier that after work I just wanted to sit there for a few minutes before we started dinner. He texted me back with a smiley face.

I'm just assuming he forgot?

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