HUGE Rant About Home-Life


Langshan Lover
11 Years
Jan 4, 2009
Claremore, OK
OK..I work 9 hour shifts at Wal-Mart.

For the past 2 months, my boyfriend and I have been sharing an apartment. I do the cooking, laundry and dishes. I follow the clothing trail he leaves...when I SPECIFICALLY asked him to put the clothes in the hamper.

After a LOVELY shift of standing up on a pad all feet are tired, my legs sore, my shoulders aching and my back screaming. We went grocery shopping to last us to the next paycheck.

I took the dogs out and am taking 15 minutes to myself until I start cooking our dinners in the microwave. He, meanwhile, is HUFFING AND PUFFING around me acting like I'm doing nothing because our apartment is still not "set up" the way he is used to. He has put up a total of 6 things and taken out the trash.

It's like living with a woman on constant *itch-mode. All I ask is for a few minutes to ENJOY myself.

Oh...after we eat he'll be like "could you come over here and sit with me for a few minutes?! I haven't seen you ALL day!" I'm sorry...but after dealing with people ALL day, I just want to soak in a tub of hot water and let my worries wash away.
LEt him heat up his own food. Dont pick up his clothes off the floor (hes not a child). If he cant put them in the hamper..dont wash them..pretty simple. Just tell him you want to relax in the tub first..then you'll go sit and spend some time with him.
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And if he can't do that, I'm sure his mommy will take him back.
Men! They shouldn't be allowed to live in a house until they are completely housebroken.
Nah, Hiker. Men will treat you the way you allow them to. And i SO doubt you will take any crap from a man.
like myself..
As a matter of fact my hubbys done 3 loads of wash tonight..
THAT'S the other thing that REALLY irks me.

When we're here, he's perfectly fine with eating the food I cook. But by gawd, when we're back home on weekends, he is NOT leaving his mom's cooking for mine...
Walk in door....

"hey baby it was hot in the store and I smell funky, I'm gonna grab a shower so I don't stink you out, can you toss dinner together?"

Doesn't matter if it's true, you'll get your tub time and he'll think you're so nice to not want to be stinky for him.
See you are in the middle of training him. Pile his clothes up and dont touch them. Wash the ones in the hamper. Eventually he will get it. You just have to figure out ways to let him know his responsibilities. Men do not hear us. Period. Talk to him while feeding him, then he will hear you and more than likely do it. Ken and I have an arrangement. I do the inside, he does the outside. I have the better end of that deal. Seriously. We have ALOT of animals.
Imagine housebreaking 15 large puppies at once? Got that imagine in your head? Now multiply that by 100. That's how hard housebreaking a man is.

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