HUGE Rant About Home-Life

As or right He's finishing his Undergrad thesis for Electrical Engineering. When the fall starts up, he has an apprenticeship that will be paying for stuff.

When he's done with the thesis (after this week I think?) he will start working at his dad's place.
So I guess the REAL issue is that I have to retrain him. His mom must have spoiled him.

After I wrote this...he stood in my way and said "Thank you."

I said, "for what?" and he said "for doing the laundry, dishes and putting up with me."

I wanted to say something smart-aleck, but I was too hungry.
He actually made me dinner tonight! I guess I just needed to get it off my chest. or he read it....
That's the main thing, WE compromise. Mine is GREAT, that man is a peach. He puts up with me, helps out 50/50 (if not more) on EVERYTHING. The yard, the animals, the DD, the dishes, the laundry, the cleaning, etc... I have it made, and I try to remember that when I go into psycho, rip his head off mode LOL. BUT let me say that the first year I had to constantly remind him that I was not his mother, and if he wanted her he could go right back next door and live with her again. It didn't take long for him to conform to house rules.
LOL! I'm glad we decided to live together before taking the marriage I get to see how he's going to behave...and what I need to do to change it!

We'll have been together for 5 years in November...longer if you count preschool to now...
My DH and I have been together since we were young,..we grew up next door to each other. We went our seperate ways a couple of times, but we always ended up back together. We finally married 14 years ago. He is my best friend and he is a huge pain in my a--! This is what it is though, isn't always perfect and there will be times you want to choke him, other times you can't get enough of him. They all are little boys trapped in a mans body. There will be up and downs, it will never be perfect, no matter who tells you that. Take it all in stride and love him one day at a time.
Oh me oh my!!!! could I have some fun with this one, but I already have been burned at the stake for throwing water on all you ole cackling Hens LOL, when go on your Lifetime man hater rampages. So I will leave this poor sap ( soon to be ex boyfriend ) to fend for himself LOL, Poor guy won't even know what freight train hit him when you hens get finished pecking him to death. Good luck Rod!! from your buddy in Okies in the BYC.

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