
Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Anyone have huskies? I love the breed and think they are gorgeous so if anyone has some pictures or stories that would be great.

Also does anyone have them on your homesteads/around other animals? Do you think it's possible to make it work or is it a complete no go?

I always heard it was no because of the high prey drive, independence, and desire to RUN (and chase), but I'm wondering if with proper training and exercise (like tons of exercise) it could be possible?

I found a couple breeders in New England that train in obedience and have gotten to pretty high levels for a husky so I assume they can ne trained? Just maybe more work? Thanks again
I've never had a full Husky, but my first and current dog is a German Shepard/Husky mix (seems half and half for the most part, with a possible lean towards the Husky side a bit more) and she definitely has a high prey drive. Any little animal she sees moving, she has to chase after it. I never had it trained professionally, but she's a very smart dog and was able to pick up on the few things I taught her (sit, lay, etc.). Due to my inexperience, I never could get her to understand leave it, stay, etc. but I don't think, even with her knowing those, I'd let her near any animals that aren't dogs. She was very playful with even my cats a few years ago, and would constantly chase them, paw at them, nip at them, and just overall stress them out; she got her fair share of nicks on the nose we had to patch up. I recently posted a thread asking about introducing her to ducklings, and from what I've gathered by that thread, it's not a good idea to introduce such an energetic dog breed with such a high prey drive to animals that can't defend themselves well from the dog.

Link to my Introducing Dog to Ducklings thread:

Absolutely love the breed, though! My dog's name is Grace. She's my baby. :p:love Here's a picture I also posted on my thread about introducing her to ducklings; I don't have any more on my computer at the moment. I've had her for about 7 years now, and rescued her from a shelter back when I lived in Ohio.
Thanks for the info everyone! They seem like great dogs just maybe not necessarily the best for a farm/homestead or around livestock?

Definitely amazing dogs, with tons of personality! Mine likes to howl at me when she wants something. :lol::rolleyes: But yeah, I personally wouldn't trust mine around livestock or small animals; she's one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met (I'm biased :p), but I still wouldn't trust her due to her natural instincts. She would never bite a human, but a little animal might just get her instincts going and cause her to kill the poor thing.

And Grace is beautiful! She almost looks full husky there
Thank you! :D We thought she was just a very small, slightly mixed, runt Husky when we first got her, but after seeing pics of German Shepard/Husky mixes, it definitely seemed way more obvious she was one of those.

Do you currently have a Husky, or are you planning on getting one?
Definitely amazing dogs, with tons of personality! Mine likes to howl at me when she wants something. :lol::rolleyes: But yeah, I personally wouldn't trust mine around livestock or small animals; she's one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met (I'm biased :p), but I still wouldn't trust her due to her natural instincts. She would never bite a human, but a little animal might just get her instincts going and cause her to kill the poor thing.

Thank you! :D We thought she was just a very small, slightly mixed, runt Husky when we first got her, but after seeing pics of German Shepard/Husky mixes, it definitely seemed way more obvious she was one of those.

Do you currently have a Husky, or are you planning on getting one?

So either no husky, no livestock, or keep them separated lol

And ohh that makes sense.

I don't have one but have always wanted one. Probably won't be able to for a while though, I don't think my current dog would like another dog haha
So either no husky, no livestock, or keep them separated lol

And ohh that makes sense.

I don't have one but have always wanted one. Probably won't be able to for a while though, I don't think my current dog would like another dog haha

Most likely. :) All dogs have different personalities, though! I know on another BYC members thread about the dogs at the shelter they volunteer at they had a nice older Husky there who was, I believe, deaf in one ear and was very calm. I can't remember the person's name, though. :(
And I would totally recommend them, I definitely love mine!
Is your current dog aggressive towards other dogs, can't handle other dogs, or just very calm and old?
I had a Lab at the time I got my Husky, and she definitely was indifferent at best to my Husky (if not constantly annoyed by her :p), but they usually got along. Unless Grace tried to get into her food bowl, then it was definitely a very risky situation. If you do get one with your current dog, just make sure they're introduced through maybe a little gate at first, both on leashes, in an area unfamiliar to them both, etc. and to make sure they both have somewhere to get away from the other. :p My Lab had the entire basement to herself if she wanted it, as we lived in an older house with a leaky basement; she liked to hang out by the dryer when it was on, but we very rarely let Grace down there unless we were taking her out the back door or giving her a bath. Both had their own little spaces, and it worked out pretty well for 5-6 years. :)

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