I am a Mommy!!

Currently the Buff Laced Polish and the Golden Laced Polish are the pushiest chicks, first to the feeder and friendliest is the Easter Egger and Blue Favaucana. So interesting that they have such distinct personalities. When I check on them, they don't even scatter any more. I do think that I have lost weight sitting in the "sauna" with them so much. :lau
Sounds like a wonderful mixed flock of diverse colors and feather patterns that should produce some lovely egg baskets.

Best wishes with the building project! Looking forward to seeing some progress reports!
That is what I was hoping for, but now that I have them it wouldn't matter if they don't lay a single egg. I will be happy to see them grow up.
I introduced them to my 11-month-old Bernadoodle Kingston for a quick first look introduction this afternoon. He was such a good boy and a gentleman. I'll keep it slow for now and see how it progresses.
No introductions to Vixen my Bombay cat. She has no manners. 😾
Sounds like a wonderful mixed flock of diverse colors and feather patterns that should produce some lovely egg baskets.

Best wishes with the building project! Looking forward to seeing some progress reports!
As of 11:00 a.m. yesterday I have 14 completely adorable chicks. They are doing well, eating, drinking, pooping and sleeping. I ordered the little ones at the first part of November, started making plans and learning what I could about them. Your Group has been a big help with the learning process. I can't Thank You enough for this.
The weather dried out and I have been able to get the foundation set for their New Home, and this weekend I should make progress on epoxying (sand added so it isn't slick) the coop floor and setting up part of the side walls. If I get the floor done while the walls and roof are not there the smell from it curing will totally dissipate.
I'll keep you posted on the progress.
It has been a wild two weeks. The chicks have grown so much in such a short time!! My sister and her husband came up from Boise and helped with the coop build. We made an immense amount of progress.


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It has been a wild two weeks. The chicks have grown so much in such a short time!! My sister and her husband came up from Boise and helped with the coop build. We made an immense amount of progress.
They grow fast, don't they?! Adorable! 💖 Coop is looking great!
Thank you. My sister was exposed to COVID on the trip to Portland. She got sick after several days here. I took her to a Dr., got her meds, she is recovering quickly. So, we were working with one person down, she was quite the Forman 🚧 & Cheerleader 📣 Tim, her husband & I were able to get thee of the exterior walls complexly done. They are back to Boise now. Yesterday I got the base of nesting boxes done & center interior wall up. Planning to build trusses this afternoon or tomorrow. My daughter & her roommate (own the house next door) are helping to put them up Tuesday night. They don't know that yet. Another installment of eggs prepayment.
Once we can get the roof on, I can work on the interior in sections to get the ladies moved in. They are running out of room in the brooder I made. An area can be made in the coop as makeshift larger brooder for the next few weeks. They are only 4 weeks old. I should be able to have the run completed enough to be used fairly quickly.
What an exciting project this has been! The chicks have brightened my days & give me something so positive to do. Each one of them has a personality of its own. Two have a name already Goldie Hen (Buff Laced Polish) & Timone (Golden Laced Polish- Brother-in-laws namesake.)
Kingston's favorite time of the day is when he gets to "watch" the chicks! The are not afraid of him at all where he was introduced to them when they arrived.


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