I am AMAZED it hatched!!!!


12 Years
Feb 27, 2007
South Louisiana

I can not believe I woke up this morning to a little call duck in my bator pipped and zipped in the turner with its little beak sticking out of the hole in the egg. With a -- reading for the humidity in the bator! I had completely given up on this egg and had totally neglected it!

I had a big batch of chicks hatch on October 31 and also in the bator I had 5 Call duck eggs due to hatch on November 7, and some due on November 17 and November 21…When I moved the chick eggs to the hatcher some how the bator was unplugged and I did not notice it until the chicks started hatching so I think it had been unplugged for 3 days.
I was so sad but I plugged it back in and when it was time I moved the 5 Call ducks due to hatch on 11/7 into the hatcher hoping they would still hatch. Which did not happen,
I had killed them! I candled the other eggs still in the bator and only one looked like it had started growing but I did not see any movement so I tossed the other eggs but could not bring myself to toss the one so I left it…and I have not done ANYTHING at all with it since.

Several times I have thought I need to toss that egg and pick up the bators until the spring…but did not do anything. Well this morning when I woke up and went into the kitchen to fix my bottle baby goat her bottle, I was standing at the sink and glanced over to the bator and thought today I will toss that egg and pick up the bators. As I am fixing the bottle I hear a little peeping
I think NO WAY!!! I run over to the bator to find the little ducky has pipped and zipped but is now stuck because of ZERO humidity in the bator.

I CAN NOT believe this little call duck has hatched despite ME completely neglecting it!

I will try and post some pictures later tonight.


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