I am hatching baby chickens for a school project...

Jan 9, 2020
Hello, I am hatching chicks for a school project and I need to secure homes for them ASAP! My grandmother lives n a farm yet I am faced with the issue that I don't know where to take them all and I don't want to just put them out in the cold or put them down. Please respond. Ten baby chicks need homes. 3$ each would be nice but we will take whatever you can give. The funds would be going back into our science program to fund future projects and ideas. We will be able to provide any extra food or bedding needed. They are mixed breeds and genders.

Respond with any future questions or requests, Sincerely Student from Merrill Middle, Oshkosh Wisconsin 54901.
If you have local feed stores ask if you could post a notice there, much more likely to get a response from people in your area. You could also try contacting a wildlife rescue and see if they'd take them to feed some of their animals (not sure if they'd take chicks but might as well try?) If you absolutely cannot find a home and have no other option then it's kinder to put them down quickly than leave them out in the cold - yes it's the same result but one is instant and the other is a slow, drawn out process.

In the future if you plan on trying this again I ask that you plan this out well in advance of getting eggs.
I cant help you,,,, but do like what you are doing:hugs
Only suggestion I have,,,,, is for you to post on the Wisconsin State thread. This targets peeps in your area, since those lil cuties:love will need to be picked up personally.
Here is the link
You may need to keep in a brooder in your home, or grandmothers until you do find homes. I also suggest you place a posting on Craig's list. Many peeps view there and are not aware of BYC.
I am not a Facebook subscriber, but do know from reading various postings, that there are Local Facebook groups that do interest in chickens. Also something referred to as Facebook marketplace:idunnoor such, that targets local area residents.
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and :welcome

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