I am so confused

They do change in coloring so right now it's wait and see.
If this duckling is a drake just remember teenagers go through a lot of hormonal changes and he may end up not being a different duck in personality. They tend to lose their minds when they become adults. I have 2 drakes and only one is aggressive and that is the one I hand raised because his mama tried to kill him. [My dh says she knew what she was doing] thats a joke. lol

But imprinted drakes have a hard time understanding that we and family members are not their property.

Keep us updated with pictures.
I second this
Out of the 5 drakes I have only 2 that we gave a lot of attention to will get jerky sometimes at mate season
Biting my toes and chasing me away from the girls
It’s not constant but it happens. They are also the 2 that run over to greet me and love attention and don’t run away when I go to pick them up for cuddles
It’s a catch 22
So my baby is 5 weeks, kept his(?)female looking feathers and is lookinf like a girl... idk if i vent checked wrong or what. So i thought id ask. What breed does my baby look like and gender guesses? He makes a weep weep weep sound which is so cute and if he looses me he makes loud weeps in super high pich. Hes super lovey, gives me kisses, perches on my shoulder, super amazing with my kids. Love this baby so much!
Mallard or Rouen mixed with something?! I had no idea there were so many different intentional breeds of ducks until trying to purchase sexed ducklings, which ended me up on a website, metzerfarms . com.
You might find some answers there
I have pekin x khaki ducks and some of my brown girls have got the white neckline as well as some of my boys
Vent sexing can get dangerous and not something you should continue doing
Be patient in the next few weeks you should know by voice as a girl will start to throw a quack in with the peeps and a boy will stay the same for a bit longer
Eventually give a whap whap sound like a frog is in their throat
Both my boys and girls had that pattern of feathers till the first molt around 4 months or so then the boys got a whole new look and the girls basically stayed the same just a bigger pattern
By the time you need to feed the duck proper feed for a girl you will know for sure the sex of it
Younger pics were at 2 months. Girl is more of a brown boy is more of a black
Then at 5 months the same 2 ducks
your last pics looks just like him , he had a full blown tie at first and now its turning into a ring. i don't see a penis when i vent check, but i did read it can mean them harm so i don't do it anymore.
I hope he /she doesn't either just wanted to give you a heads up so you won't be devastated when he becomes sexually mature.
is there any way to curb it? like i know what i read but usually they aren't solo and he is, so he's is in a kennel inside instead of the coop, i'm pretty protective of him and he's with my kids and i all day, even my husband plays with him. Thank you for the heads up tho. He imprinted on me bigtime and has gradually refused to fallow anyone else. i think i have my answer tho, its amazing how a few hours change them, he's got one single feather poking up on his back now, i'll have to watch lol

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