I lost it with my Pullet


In the Brooder
Sep 23, 2015
So I have a small pullet and yesterday went to grab him from outside to take him in and he ran for like 10 minutes I began to chase this chicken I through my hat at him like 2-3 times in 20 minutes. and to top it all of he ran and tried to fly on my moms car and I almost hit him with my hat into her car but I stopped. Is there a way I can get him to like me again he is a pretty tame chick. I feel terrible and am probably the worst chicken owner ever. Is there a way for me to get him to like me again.
You seem to have your pronouns and genders mixed up. Calling a pullet "he" and "him" indicates a degree of unfamiliarity with chickens, and throwing things at them and chasing them also shows your ignorance.

Besides that, your chicken isn't going to be impressed with your behavior either. Chickens don't respond to tantrum displays by coming to you and wanting to be friendly. In fact, chickens are very good at picking up on your intentions, and they will react with mistrust, and if the chicken happens to be a cockerel instead of a pullet, you could be in serious trouble, because a cockerel that doesn't trust you can be a danger to you, even to the point of sending you on a trip to the emergency room.

The first thing you need to know is that your behavior is very important when you're around chickens. You need to be very calm, deliberate, and consistent. Until you can behave around your chicken in a consistent manner, even offering food bribes isn't going to get this chicken to trust you.

So for the next week, every day you need to show your chicken by your calm behavior that you can be trusted never to chase it or throw anything at it. Then the next week you can start offering food bribes by calmly holding out the treat and waiting until the chicken comes to you to take it from your hand. Do not try to grab the chicken or it will just undo all the progress you've been making.

After the chicken is calmly taking treats from your hand, then you can begin very gently to touch its neck and throat area while it eats. Don't try to grab the chicken! You need to be patient a while longer before you try to handle your chicken!

After the chicken is taking treats from your hand and eating while you pet it, then, as you kneel on the ground, slowly bring your hands around to the sides of your chicken and bring it in close between your legs, with its head tucked in your crotch. Chickens that trust their human will enjoy this while trusting you.

As they become used to this ritual, a chicken will automatically come to you when it sees you kneel down on the ground.
Ok thank you very much I really care about this chick even though it doesn't sound like it. But also Im pretty sure it is a girl.
Crawling around on the ground doesn't work for me either, so I have a chair, or stump, or something to sit on, and just 'hang out' with the birds, with food/ treats scattered around. I talk a bit, and then wander off. It's not a race! Some birds will be more interactive than others, and that's fine with me. I'm not interested in 'cuddles'; I've got cats and dogs for that. They're chickens! The best time to handle and inspect a bird is at night, when you can get one off their roost. No muss, no fuss. During the day, a long- handles fish net will work if really necessary, with lots of drama involved. Chasing and throwing things/ Not so much! That bird will be afraid of the OP for a long time! Mary
So I have been picking up which ones I want to handle, out of their "plastic kiddie pool" repurposed brooder. They let me know quickly if they are in the mood to be pet. Sometimes yes,
Sometimes not really. If they dont settle right away, I gently release. If they do settle, they get thier head pet and fall asleep. Some run over to me now to be handled and pet, but I did start by forcing myself on them. Have I made a mistake by pushing myself on them?
They will get over it! Chickens are prey animals, and deep down, they know it. Some birds will be happy to be handled and petted, but many won't, and that's okay with me. Some breed types, like Silkies, can be very tolerant. they are also easier for predators to catch! Right now I've got Speckled Sussex hens who follow me around, and a very young EE pullet (I hope!) who's first at everything, named 'Dora the Explorer". Mary

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