I made someones day today....I hope


12 Years
Jan 31, 2007
There's a soldier that lives under a bridge near my home, I see him almost every day when I get off of the highway and I never have any money to give him.....

I decided this morning, "I'm gonna go to the store and buy that man some food"
I went to the store, bought him two big hoagies, one ham, one turkey, a big bag of chips and his choice of soda...coke, sprite or water. I wanted to give some choices.

I went back and pulled over next to him and leaned out the window. I said "I brought you some food" I also found a half pack of smokes in my glove box and gave those to him.

He thanked and thanked and thanked me profusely and I saw tears in his eyes.

I didn't know what to say and I didn't want to see him cry, so I told him to stay warm and be safe as I drove away.
Your a wonderful person for doing this. My husband is a disabled veteran (we've been fighting for 3 years for 100% disability) Our attorney has stated that 90% of his clientle (sp) are homeless. Its very sad. You deserve a (((HUG)))
when i worked at kmart there was a homeless camp across the street in the woods, they would save their money to come and buy the warmest sleeping bags they could afford, ..so when the top of the line thermo bag went on clearence i hid them to the stock room then gave them those with a "sorry we were out there's 10% off" coupon. everytime they started a fire barrel the fire dept would put it out and have them arrested, well kmart went out of business and now they all live in the kmart, karma
That was a wonderful thing to do! I don't give them money but I do buy them food, even if it's a dollar burger, at least they are getting a hot meal. My older kids do it now too. Who knows how some folks end up living under a bridge or in a city park. It could be their own choice, it could be their families broke up or it could be because our goverment failed them...either way I don't care. I'd feed them all if I could. You are a good person.
If you didn't make his day you made mine, I always feel bad when I give money but have yet to feel a schmitchen of guilt when I give food. Good for you!

My smilies aren't working or you would have the big smile with the big thumbs up!
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That was a wonderful thing to do. There are men over here too, recently disabled and being sereiously let down by "the system", then with the poppy day services going on this week they ran a story today about a man in the 1920s, who had won a medal in the first war, and was refused any help on his return, he pawned his medal to feed his family, and then walked away, he lost his memory in an accident and died alone and in poverty. his local council bought back his medal and displayed it in their offices... but they didn;t help him.

Made me wonder when will they ever value those who give so much to make all of us safe, when will the "System" care. It is good to know that as individuals we can make a difference.

Good on you, a lovely thought for today.


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