I need to attract a fox?!?!? weird I know

We r currenly having a fox issue. Because of fox pups, the male has been looking for easy prey... Getting very close to the house, already tried for a chicken, apparently got a rabbit that was hanging out around our barn... The neighbor and i called a wildlife center, we were told that because its spring and most likely fox babies r involved, that we cannot trap it or kill it unless he's in the act of hurting our livestock. Different states and cities have different laws, but the type of fox here is protected. You may have to call dnr or a wildlife center to see if they will relocate it. but if the fox hasnt attacked anything then they probably wont relocate it. Also a fox is not a nocturnal predator. They will come out anytime, espically if they can see movements.
fox pee

there is a good chance you have them around you anyways and just do not realize it LOL the guy across the street from me is "city folk" and he cannot believe that I trap 12-18 out of the neighborhood we live in each trapping season
I dont want him as a pet I want him dead...

I have talk to people around and the game warden and red foxes are not protected or anything....

yea my dad said he sees him in the day...

He is just getting too close to the house.. and my mom has 2 huge dogs that have tried to fight him but I think he just ran off...

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