I'm so old I Remember when:

Too right! My sister and I would have standing challenges in the back of dad's old EH (working mans wagon). The challenge was to remain standing and not let any body part touch the seat in front OR be knocked back onto the seat when dad started swerving to increase the challenge. This fun game always happened on the way home from nan's place and we lived up a hill! Fun times. There were no seat belts in those cars, and if you own one today you don't have to have belts installed.
No seatbelts or car seats for little ones on school busses either. If someone was standing in the aisle or actin a fool the driver would just hammer the brakes to teach them a lesson and we'd all get knocked around like pinballs as collateral damage.
My reaction was laughter. Then I remembered the time my niece got a concussion playing tetherball. She still has horrible headaches regularly (at least 10 years later).
We had something worse than that in our city park.
Idk what you called it but it was basicially handle bars that hung off of chains from a pole, several kids could take off running while holding on and you'd eventually catch air and your feet would come off the ground. Then everyone just hung on for dear life and prayed that you didn't get your teeth knocked out by the bars when someone let go.
We had something worse than that in our city park.
Idk what you called it but it was basicially handle bars that hung off of chains from a pole, several kids could take off running while holding on and you'd eventually catch air and your feet would come off the ground. Then everyone just hung on for dear life and prayed that you didn't get your teeth knocked out by the bars when someone let go.
I remember that - it was fun! No idea what it was called.
If we're thinking of the same thing, they now make them with just one bar and call them a zipline.

There was one at a park near my old house, and there was always a line.
It was like a maypole and went round and round while you clung on for dear life.
I was looking for a picture and came across this . It is basically what I am remembering but the things to hold on to weren't that fancy - I just remember them being like short bars with the chain connected in the middle and you grabbed on to the bar on either side of the chain.
I never thought about this before - but I am short - always have been for my age - so my legs were never on the ground - I would just be flying around in the air - but bigger kids must have been touching the ground to make it go around.

I remember buying our first 19" color TV to watch the World Series then Detroit came from behind with only one win while St. Louis had 3 to beat them 4-3.
My Grandpa took my sister and I to one of those games in Tiger Stadium - can't remember which game it was, but the Tigers winning the World Series solidified my baseball fan life forever.

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