I'm so old I Remember when:

Because we didn't waller in the mud or carry snakes or frogs in our pockets.
Once I was out shopping with my mom around seventeen, and I decided to jump a ditch. I slipped on the other side, and got my white skirt very muddy. That same day I paid five dollars for a watering can that had a frog in it :).
Jinx. Buy me a coke.
Season 9 Lol GIF by The Office

The girls were. :tongue
But I didn't want to. Outside all day, everyday
Lol. Butterfly wings and pretty rocks, here. :frow
I kept slugs until one slug got really big and it turned out he had eaten all the other slugs. After that I was supposed to keep all critters outdoors, so I built a miniature city for the ants. I think they appreciated it!

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