I'm soo.....MAD!

I often say that freedom of speech is a beautiful thing. It does however include the freedom to say something idiotic as well. I think I would have comeback with "it's the military that secured your right to say that. Go spend a week in Iran and dare to open your mouth like that in public just once and see what will happen". Then I would have turned to your husband and wholeheartedly thanked him for his service and wished him a wonderful Veterans Day. It's not just a shame that someone can speak so ignorantly; it's a shame that no one had the courage to say something to her. Your husband did the classy thing. He spoke to the students in uniform and represented the service while that kids mom popped off like a fool.

Oh my daughters friend (16 years old) made a comment to me that military people and recruiters should not be allowed on campus. Not a smart thing to do seeing that she had to spend 15 minutes in my vehicle driving her home. I had a nice talk with her.
To add to my above post. Step dad was in Korea and Nam (Air Force). Brother (Army) and nephew (Air Force) both in Iraq. Sis was in Air Force. Grandpa's were both in WWII. Gramps even had a retired Army dog.
Several men from my family and a few close friends have spent many years in this countries military. I cannot believe what they have sacrificed for our country; their children's births, first steps, first day of school, first graduation. Being away from family surely tears them apart inside and to hear the ignorance spewed forth from some people regarding our soldiers is RIDICULOUS. I dare them to spend even an HOUR in a '3rd world' country. They'd be crying to come home.

If your husband was in Vietnam and was spit on upon returning, I would say she's fairly lucky she didn't have phlegm dangling from her eyelashes after she dared to utter those disgraceful words in front of CHILDREN. How patriotic of her, teaching the kids right.

Happy Veteran's Day to your husband. Thank him very much for all of us.
Maybe they thought he was a recruiter? I hated the recruiters at school, they were very pushy and would call and call your home.

I realize your child is small, but maybe they thought they were already pushing them to join the military.

Some people just don't logically think it through.
That reminded me.

My mother picked up the phone one afternoon and it was a recruiter from our high school asking for me. She said 'Well tell me what you have available for her?' and he gave her a nice big speech. She said 'Michelle wouldn't take a desk job. She'd want to be on the front line.' to which he replied, 'Sorry ma'am, we don't put women on the front line.' So, my mother says 'Then I guess she's not interested!' and hung up.

LOL Don't even get me started on my brother answering NRA phone calls
Even if it would have been a recruiter it would be no different than a doctor, dentist, fireman, police officer, lawyer, small business owner, or any other person visiting on career day. But yeah there was definitely a lack of thinking seeing it was Veterans Day.

Now as for recruiters calling usually (I say usually because I'm sure there's the rare exception) they don't call unless there was an interest expressed by the student first at some point. They could have taken a career survey that resulted in a service career choice. My brothers recruiter asked me once and I said no thanks and he left it at that.
Where's her keeper? Can't believe they let her out for the day!
Think I may have said, "Oh, THEM. You mean the ones who have offered to lay down their lives for YOUR freedom? Maybe you'd like a plane ticket to Russia, perhaps?" Geez. What an ignoramous.
THis is exactly what my dad went through. He volunteered for Vietnam also. Came home and was spit on by his OWN family....Very very difficult for him. He does not talk about it. On very very few occasions have I even heard him mention being over there......Him and my mom went to a 'military dinner' with me and my hubby. At this dinner they went through and honored all the vets from all the wars that were there. When it came time for the Vietnam Vets to stand....as proud as my dad is he still was unsure of wiether he should stand or not....Because he has never been recognized by the community as being a Vietnam Vet until that day. Well he did stand....Head held HIGH and tears running down his face...My dad does not cry, nor show emotion....You know the Big bad harley riding, beer drinking, long haired 'don't mess with me' leather wearing type.....
Well how many years did it take him......But he finally got recognized, thanked and applauded. That is the first (and probably last) time I have ever seen my dad shed a tear.....

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