I'm soo.....MAD!

Though I am too young to remember the actual events/ instances of how returning soldiers were treated I have seen many documentaries and paper articles about it. It makes me truly sick to think of these poor young soldiers coming home already traumatized by war to endure that kind of treatment.

Please extend to your DH and your own family how proud we are of his service and how thankful we are for sacrifices made by not only him but your whole family.
I came back in 1968 and my Dad had decorated our house in red, white and blue Christmas lights (in June mind you) and had had a pic of me in uniform enlarged to 2'x3' and displayed on the highest part of the house. He had planned on having the local paper come out and take pics for the occasion but the rest of the family convinced him not to for fear of vandals. To have former friends ask you how many babies you killed was tacky at best. I stayed in the service for 22 years and so was a bit insulated from the protesters. I know that a lot of the guys that got out of the service after returning were really put thru h***! Unfortunately, I think you can expect more of the same from those desiring a "pull-out"!
OMG what is wrong with people!!

I SERIOUSLY doubt she thought it was a recruiter. I have seen so many reports on the news how soldiers surprise their kids at school when they come home from Iraq. There was just a report on the other night that made me cry...they all make me cry!!

I know that feeling as a child, my father fought in Dessert Storm, and I was SOOO relieved when he came home and surprised me!!

I have so many words rolling thru my mind about this woman that I couldn't even possibly utter in this forum.....

It makes me sick the way some of these soldiers are treated when they come home. Not to mention the problems they have from being over there, ie: PTSD etc.

I thank all of the soldiers that have fought for our country over the years!
Let your hubby know that there are far more people that respect them than disrespect them!

I'm gonna make a new thread about a good deed I did for a homeless soldier today....Don't wanna hijack this one.
Oh, yeah. I remember those years VERY well. Walking through LAX in uniform on our way home to Florida, a bunch of us were pelted with eggs. Gotta make you proud.

I was all of 19 at the time.

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Thats a one time experience for your Dh. My husband is a recruiter. those guys have to deal with the " I support the military(not), but dont talk to my child" people on a daily basis .Wonder how people would feel when we reinstate the draft.
That reminded me.

My mother picked up the phone one afternoon and it was a recruiter from our high school asking for me. She said 'Well tell me what you have available for her?' and he gave her a nice big speech. She said 'Michelle wouldn't take a desk job. She'd want to be on the front line.' to which he replied, 'Sorry ma'am, we don't put women on the front line.' So, my mother says 'Then I guess she's not interested!' and hung up.

LOL Don't even get me started on my brother answering NRA phone calls

As a female you should still be able to get helicopter pilot- mechanic or medical specalist. That'll get you close to the front line.
Please everybody recruiters are humans, that have familys at home. If they get nothing but but mean and ingnorant answers all day, it cabe hard for them to turn their bad mood off at night when they go home. In this case i got to listen to all the stories of how people bhave. And one more thing , SterlingAcres no you or your mom are NOT stupid or ignorant, atleast she didnt hang up mid sentence.
That is just horrible! I could not imagine, so sorry

I was born in 1970 I know Vietnam was about over with but I would and could not have done anything like that to someone. I would have wanted to shake your hand. Looking at all the pictures and film from back then. That had to have been pure HE**!!!!

I have WHAT in my yard? :

Y'know it goes agaonst everything I believe in but gosh sometimes I think some people's citizenship should be revoked for sheer stupidity!

But, what grade is you son? Is it possible she thought he was a recruiter? There are some people who are adamantly against recruiters being allowed in schools. (I am not one of them mind you, but I sort of understand their perspective....)

Tell your husband that I personally want to thank him for his service to our country and your son's school and I personally apologize if that woman offended him.

My son is in the 5th grade, the school has only 4th and 5th grade in that building.​

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