In misery - pink eye


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 26, 2008
Central OH
My kids had a 1 -2 day stint of pink eye 2 weeks ago. It was brief and over quickly. I caught it a week later and have been suffering for 8 days now! I have been to 3 doctors and tried 2 type of anitibiotic drops and am miserable. The Opthmologist told me that generally it just needs to run it course. I thought it was improving yesterday, but today it seems worse. I am miserable!
yes, it is painful. and not uncommon if you have chickens! it is basically e-coli in the eye. easy to contract and easy to pass.

be well and hope your kids feel better also!
I have never had this before and hope to never have it again! Is it true that it could be attributed to the chickens? We have only had our chickens for 5 months and love them dearly, but...they may need to go if this is a common problem with chicken owners.

I have been around dogs, horses, goats and barn cats for many year and never had a issue. Although I am a bit of a germ freak and do wash my hands alot.
well, here is the gross low's attributed to anything that poops. e-coli is just that...poop.

it's all around us all the time. it doesn't mean you are 'dirty' or anything, but try not to touch anyone and then touch your eye. that's the easiest way to get it.

we hold our chickens, or kids or touch our key boards (the BIGGEST source of e-coli in your home) and then touch our eyes...voila. you got yourself a nice case of the pink eye...

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