Incubating ducks day 32…just need some moral support😄

Here is the link to the second duckling. It was not originally internally pipped. I assisted due to the membrane becoming dried out. I’ve since moistened what’s left. The other duckling is more exposed and you can actually see a lot of its feathers and a wing, but it is still in the egg. I feel like it may be trapped. I thought I had a video but I started recording when I thought I had stopped so I got a video of my kitchen counter. Please let me know what you think about this little one. The lower portion is completely hardened and very much so on the end. It almost looks crystallized. I don’t know that the duck will be able to get out of the egg.

I think right now I just would like to know if you think it’s appropriate to help it finish hatching or should I give it more time for absorption. I had to leave for work, so they are at home right now and I will not be able to do anything until after I get off. I will be going by on my lunch hour to check on things though. The other egg that had not internally pipped yet was internally pipped this morning and I put a tiny tiny safely hole and I’m going to let that would do what it needs to do all on its own. Thank you so much for your help😊
I can see veins have gone down in the one
I don’t see the beak opening
Is this the one that’s broke through the membrane ?
I would move the membrane away from its beak
Take a q tip and gently rub it on that beak making sure any egg goo is off its beak area
If you candle the eggs you should be able to see in on how many veins are left
I am worried that it may get stuck with the egg goo
That’s the issue with opening them to much the air dries them and that goo Acts as cement
How many hours has it been since you noticed the internal pip ?
I can see veins have gone down in the one
I don’t see the beak opening
Is this the one that’s broke through the membrane ?
I would move the membrane away from its beak
Take a q tip and gently rub it on that beak making sure any egg goo is off its beak area
If you candle the eggs you should be able to see in on how many veins are left
I am worried that it may get stuck with the egg goo
That’s the issue with opening them to much the air dries them and that goo Acts as cement
How many hours has it been since you noticed the internal

This is the more active duck.

When I put the other one back in the incubator this morning, there wasn’t any membrane around it beak, and it was chirping some. When I went home at lunch, it was dead. I don’t think it had been dead for very long. I was contemplating just going home and saying screw today and use my vacation but I decided to wait a little longer until my lunch break and now I wish I gone home. It probably wouldn’t have made a difference though.

The other chick is alive, but I tried to remove a little bit of the eggshell to give it room to get its beak out better and cause a tiny bleed, but it quit bleeding pretty quickly. You can see it in the video. It’s bright red, but it’s not actively bleeding. I will not be touching this duck again until it has hatched. The other egg that is still intact was rocking quite a bit. I’m hoping that it makes progress on its own.

I did look to see how big the yolk sac was on the duck that died, and it was pretty good size. The duck looked tinier than the one in the other egg.

** I originally posted the wrong video and I’ve updated it***
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This is the more active duck.

When I put the other one back in the incubator this morning, there wasn’t any membrane around it beak, and it was chirping some. When I went home at lunch, it was dead. I don’t think it had been dead for very long. I was contemplating just going home and saying screw today and use my vacation but I decided to wait a little longer until my lunch break and now I wish I gone home. It probably wouldn’t have made a difference though.

The other chick is alive, but I tried to remove a little bit of the eggshell to give it room to get its beak out better and cause a tiny bleed, but it quit bleeding pretty quickly. You can see it in the video. It’s bright red, but it’s not actively bleeding. I will not be touching this duck again until it has hatched. The other egg that is still intact was rocking quite a bit. I’m hoping that it makes progress on its own.

I did look to see how big the yolk sac was on the duck that died, and it was pretty good size. The duck looked tinier than the one in the other egg.

** I originally posted the wrong video and I’ve updated it***
I’m so sorry
This is the hardest part
We seem to take the loss very hard
A strong baby will fight harder
I helped one once and at 4 weeks I had ti put him down as he was never able to stand on his own
Was born with a v shape to his neck and unfortunately it never went straight
I would rather they pass in the egg then after as it gets even harder
I see baby is still chewing a little so needs more time
She should be able to push up and out
Candle the rest of the egg when you can and look for veins
I’m so sorry
This is the hardest part
We seem to take the loss very hard
A strong baby will fight harder
I helped one once and at 4 weeks I had ti put him down as he was never able to stand on his own
Was born with a v shape to his neck and unfortunately it never went straight
I would rather they pass in the egg then after as it gets even harder
I see baby is still chewing a little so needs more time
She should be able to push up and out
Candle the rest of the egg when you can and look for veins
That’s sad. It’s hard to see them not make it. I’ve always said I like animals more than I like (most) people and it breaks my heart 😢 I only have the two ducklings left. The one exposed and the one intact and rocking. I could still see veins on the other one yesterday and then it internally pipped sometime overnight. Rocking a lot this afternoon. The exposed chick takes up the rest of the egg so I’m unsure if I’ll be able to see veins when I candle but I’ll try my best.

My incubator was reading 97 when I left but I had opened it a couple of times. Humidity was 72%. I’ll keep you posted as the two progress😊 Thank you so much for all of your advice/help!
That’s sad. It’s hard to see them not make it. I’ve always said I like animals more than I like (most) people and it breaks my heart 😢 I only have the two ducklings left. The one exposed and the one intact and rocking. I could still see veins on the other one yesterday and then it internally pipped sometime overnight. Rocking a lot this afternoon. The exposed chick takes up the rest of the egg so I’m unsure if I’ll be able to see veins when I candle but I’ll try my best.

My incubator was reading 97 when I left but I had opened it a couple of times. Humidity was 72%. I’ll keep you posted as the two progress😊 Thank you so much for all of your advice/help!
Yes please keep me informed
I’m crossing my fingers for the last two
Yes please keep me informed
I’m crossing my fingers for the last two

Does this seem pretty normal? I’m still monitoring. I cannot see veins. I feel like I may see yolk but it could just some goo from the egg.

The other egg is still alive. I can see the duck’s shadow and its breathing. I can see the shadow of its entire head. I hope it has enough air through that baby hole I made😬

This is stressful. I don’t think incubating is for me lol.

***UPDATE: I checked on the duckling just now and the egg had fallen over so I peeked into see that its head and upper body is out of the egg. Lower half still inside the egg.***

It’s out…


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Does this seem pretty normal? I’m still monitoring. I cannot see veins. I feel like I may see yolk but it could just some goo from the egg.

The other egg is still alive. I can see the duck’s shadow and its breathing. I can see the shadow of its entire head. I hope it has enough air through that baby hole I made😬

This is stressful. I don’t think incubating is for me lol.

***UPDATE: I checked on the duckling just now and the egg had fallen over so I peeked into see that its head and upper body is out of the egg. Lower half still inside the egg.***

It’s out…
How does baby look ?
Don’t worry
The baby doesn’t need his head put to get air when they make their own pip they don’t even break the shell off. Just crack it
Then they stay like that 8-12 more hours. Then as they move a bit they may make another little crack then nothing till they zip
As long as you got through the membrane then sue can get in and won’t dry baby out as it’s a tiny hole
How does baby look ?
Don’t worry
The baby doesn’t need his head put to get air when they make their own pip they don’t even break the shell off. Just crack it
Then they stay like that 8-12 more hours. Then as they move a bit they may make another little crack then nothing till they zip
As long as you got through the membrane then sue can get in and won’t dry baby out as it’s a tiny hole
Ok thanks. It broke through the membrane at least 24 hours ago. Maybe even more. No zipping yet. Only the hole I made. Still some movement this morning. How long do you wait to assist with the shell if they don’t unzip on their own?

The duckling that has hatched is a loud little thing. Chirping all night and this morning. Stopped when I picked her up this morning. Took it out of the incubator to put it in the brooder this morning for a few mins but it went crazy freaking out so I put it back in. I felt bad that it was all alone and I figure it may encourage the other chick to hatch. I had a broody hen that I was going to give the ducklings to but she snapped out of being broody 2-3 days ago.


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