Infected Toe very swollen Help


You are doing a great job with your rooster's toe. I remember when i had issues with Bumblefoot last year, we had to really squeeze the foot to get the stuff out. It was deep in there. I truly hated to squeeze as I did but that stuff won't go away on its own. When I took them to the vet to have her check them out one I had gotten it all the other I left a piece of that in there and she sedated her and oh my the stuff she got out of that one foot was amazing and this is after I had done it months before so I know it won't go away it just gets bigger and you have to get it ALL out or like me you will have to keep going in and cleaining it out again and again.

Your rooster sounds like a realy trooper though. Good luck and let me know if you need anything.

Hope the second time does the trick. It's always discouraging when ur doing everything right and they have a relapse. Praying for a full recovery. Keep up the good work.
It sounds like you aren't getting it all out. From what I read the tip of the toe was just swollen tissue and blood and you didn't find any "cheesey stuff" till you got near the pad. You may have to cut more/longer in the area where you found the stuff and that may mean cutting into the pad. It's sounding like bumblefoot that spread down the toe. When it's all cleaned out there should be an empty socket where the gunk was. Go to end of toe, toward pad, and into pad if you are still finding stuff. The pad if very thick and you can cut very deep and normally have to in order to get it all out. Soaking for a long time in the warm salt water and lots of squeezing and digging helps. Just be careful to not break the toe bone.
Ruth - I can cut further into the pad, my concern is from the top of the toe halfway down it is just hard swollen and cutting just created lots of blood - do you think I need to cut deeper into that part or maybe cut down the side of the toe?

Chicken Doodle - thanks for the link. i will mix the asprin and give it to him.

Thanks for all your support. I am hoping if this is successful I will be more confortable in treating anything that comes up.
Sorry I havent posted an update lately. Had a raccon taking my ducks so I had to do some rebuilding and re wiring.

Well today I just sat down with my roo and we decided that I had to cut deeper into the toe to see what was keeping the upper part of the toe so hugh. I proceeded to do so and still did not see any infection so I dug anyway and lo and behold there it was hard and big. I dug and dug and dug. The last big chunk I dug out was almost 2 inched long and about as big around as my little finger. I dont know this for sure but it looked like it as the whole nail with bone attached. I am hoping I am wrong, I just pulled lightly and it all came out. So when I regained my composure I decided that the hanging skin should be trimmed and thats what I did, I cleaned it up and soaked in iodine and water. Put tons of Neo on it and gauze pads and wrapped it up real tight since it was bleeding really bad.

I went out an hour ago and the roo is talking to me asking for meal worms which he really deserves.

SO these are my thoughts, I think I should leave it alone a day or so before I look at it. It could also be in the pad but after all that I just could not bring my self to start sliceing again. Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated.

Thank you Terri:caf
Terri, It so pays to be persistent doesn't it. I would loved to have seen what came out. It is amazing how just a little scratch or cut can lead to. I think that I would probably give it a little time to see what happens. It may seem like you have it all and it sure sounds like you did.
. I know that it says that you should go in it the next day and continue to do this as long as you are getting that junk out, but I kinda agree with you and give him a break. Poor fella, he sounds like a real trooper, keep his foot clean and bandaged until your are ready to soak it again and check out your surgical site.

Proud of you.
to you and your roo for being good dr and patient.

When the piece you removed is dry take a good look at it with gloves on of course (and clean your hands REALLY WELL with antibacterial soap and alcohol after that once the gloves are off) and see what it is. If it was the bone and nail it may have been infected which is why it never healed. Bone infections are nasty and hard to get rid of--especially if you don't get the infected bone out.

Poor fella, but good owner. I am wishing you see some improvement and await the next report!!
Chickerdoodle and Chickenlady Well actually I have pics of the piece that came out. I will post them but if anyone has a weak stomach you may not want to look.
Good job!!! That's what a bunch of abcessed infection looks like. You can cut into it and see if there is a piece of bone in the middle - kind of looks like it. Which would mean that something happened to the toenail and/or toe and it got infected and just kept getting bigger and bigger. If you soaked it in betadine and/or salt water after you got that hunk out and filled it with Neosporin you should be able to just leave it wrapped for a few days and then take the bandage off. If you have a pretty long incision at this point, which I'm guessing you do, you could take regular needle and thread and put a few stitches to close the wound up and help it heal shut. I've done that before and it works well. I too had one that the piece of bone had to be removed from the toe and he's just fine and dandy today.

I knew from looking at those first pics that there had to be something big and yucky in that toe.

Good work.

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