Introducing New Chickens


7 Years
Jun 7, 2012
I have 5 one year old chickens. I recently obtained two more one year old chickens to add to my flock. What is the best way to go about combining the seven birds? Currently the two new birds are in the run and the others are in the coop/free ranging. Should I let them be separated but near each other for awhile before introducing them or should I just introduce them now and see what happens?
I'm going to give this advice with the assumption that the 2 new birds already know where "home" is, so that if they free range, they will know where to come to at sun down. That aside, you have the best possible scenario for incorporating new to existing chickens. Your new hens are the same size as the old girls, and you free range. In the morning, let ALL of the chickens out to free range your property. The new hens will have plenty of room to run away when the existing flock asserts the proper pecking order. You'll see the two new girls free range at a respectable distance from the existing flock. Eventually you will find that they have unified themselves into one flock. They will have done in their way and in their time. The time frame it takes is totally up to them. There will be absolutely no bullying or injuries as a result. This is, in my opinion the best and most HUMANE way to incorporate new chickens.

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if the birds are the same size, I don't worry about it, put them in with the others at dark, and they should be fine.

BUT you CANT put chicks in with a flock, or 4 weekers, or 8 weekers or even 10 weekers/...... the size is paramount importance!
if the birds are the same size, I don't worry about it, put them in with the others at dark, and they should be fine.

BUT you CANT put chicks in with a flock, or 4 weekers, or 8 weekers or even 10 weekers/...... the size is paramount importance!
Yes, I know. I have younger birds that are separated. These birds I'm talking about are the same age.

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