Is apple cider vinegar (ACV) poisonous to ducks?

I'm a newbie with 4 day old Pekins and I'm enjoying learning all these "little" tid bits about our babies.
With ACV, is it just used as a "pick me up" like gatorade would do for us? or is it an antidote for something else?

thanks in advance.
There are all kinds of benefits attributed to ACV, and I cannot vouch for it. I use it in a recipe for switchel, which is a drink for replacing electrolytes (pre-gatorade). I have given it to my ducks as a tonic during stressful times.

It is said to be antibiotic.

It is somewhat acidic, and so I do not use any galvanized water containers, as I have read papers that say it can leach zinc into water, and that is harmful to the ducks.
K, thanks for the info.
One question to ask is, was the waterer galvanized metal? Another question is how high a concentration of vinegar was used? ACV is an acid, so could possibly cause the release of zinc, a toxic metal, into the water, if the percentage of ACV were high enough.

I put ACV in my ducks' water from time to time with no problem. I also use plastic or stainless steel containers. I do not use galvanized containers for anything they eat or drink from to avoid metal toxicity.

While many of us are here to share and to help, you need to do what you feel right about.[/QUOTE HOw much ACV do you put in?
See this is what I needed to know, it's driving me mad! It's an anecdote in a duck book and it hasn't gone into nearly enough detail!
Thanks for your help, I think (when I can get some) I'll put just a few drops into their water and see how it goes, we only use plastic containers for all feed and water coz it's easier to clean out and disinfect!
Although I would hate it if anything happened to our ducks so many people have said they use it without any problem I think we should give it a go in very small doses!
Does anyone know if there is a "good age" to start giving it to either ducks or chickens?
Hello. I have 8 hens in my flock and this is my first year having chickens. I do not have ducks. I use a plastic waterer. It holds a gallon at a time and I add a 1TBLS everyday when changing the water. I have been doing this for a almost a year now. I have used Bragg's and now I make my own and they have had zero issues except for the couple of weeks I stopped when I ran out and one of my girls had a bit of loose stool which ended as soon as I resumed my acv. I feed pellets and they also range the yard each day. I never thought it would be so much fun having them. It is awesome we have this place to help each other with such great info. Always good to research many sources. Good luck with everything.

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