Is it just me or does this Quail forum move really really slow?

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Ahhhh......The Quail Wars....I really miss those days, although I needed a calculator to keep track of all the "points" recieved here. I always thought that I would win a free toaster or something for accumulating so many points at such a rapid pace. It's so much quieter here now that everyone is forced to play nice and have the same opinion.
Quote: haha I love it.

I've been keeping quail for about ten years now (minus the last two which I have been in University and am getting by with one quail living under my desk illegally in my dorm) but I'm fairly new to this forum - like I said I've been on other forums but got really tired of people putting the newbies under fire for asking "dumb" questions and other people stepping in and pointing fingers at people who were giving "bad advice" so I left. I find this forum a lot more genuinely helpful and peaceful.

I'm interested in seeing the kinds of questions that new people have - I'm trying to add more pages to my blog site about the basics of keeping (coturnix)quail - housing, diet, handling, breeding, raising, butchering etc. so it's helpful to me to see what kinds of things people are stumped on and what kind of advice is coming from the really experienced people on the forum - because what I know is limited to one person's experience.

But yeah, the questions that have been repeated over and over I try to stay away from, I only have so much time per day to play on the forum LOL and if I don't know anything about a subject (and bob genetics is definetly something I know 0 about lol) I generally don't comment unless I have a uestion or am interested in following the thread to see where it ends up.

Since I missed The Quail Wars, would our great elders be interested in gathering the new generation around the campfire to tell us this tale and the lessons learned from it? ;)
Many moons ago, lines were drawn and Quailliances were formed.

On one side, The "Keepers" of the Quail, who wanted only to advance the hobby and the breed. They worked to organize the information for the Quaillective. They sent out eggs for free to the newbs.

across from "The Quail Carnies" those who wanted to get over by selling Quail eggs and Quail Oil to the newbs.

Many battles were fought, many marched to battle, few survived.

Those that did survive, banded together and swore it would never happen again (the quail oil) and now they are ever vigilant...

Spies remain, mostly new "im"posters asking loaded questions, that is why the chicken with quail posts find few takers...

but still, ...The Quaillaborative is strong.
the bobwhites are beautiful.
obviously prolly not pure? think your cross of a cross idea was a good guess.

as a newb, I quickly found out that the "pros" do their best to help, but when they give an answer like "no, not a good idea to keep chickens with quail"

someone always comes along and says...but I did it, blah, blah, blah...

2 more good examples,

the "bob-bird" threads are just someone itching to get someone some "points" from the mods. as well the I have a broody coturnix...

you are prolly right on with the pros vs the joes, or commercial producers vs the hobbiest. the medicate it vs. the scorched earth policy.

someone said once... "quail people are batshit crazy" and I think he was pretty close to deadeye on that one

U guys crack me up. I don't like drama and am so glad I missed out on the "quail wars" but by looking at what u guys post now bet I missed out on a lot of funny post. Thank u so much for checking out my bob whites and giving me your opinion. I'm so excited I got my first egg from them today. I know they look to b a combination of 2 known mutations creating something different and not sure if there will b much or any demand for this new mutation but I do plan to save the eggs, incubate them and propagate them for my own personal use if nothing else. Curious also to see if they breed true or 50% their color (which doesn't seem to have a name yet) 25% true smokey and 25% true blond. I did the punnet square thing and if they are a new mutation made by crossing a smokey to a blond it would be neat to get both other colors as well. I know this goes against some peoples quail religion as some see doing this as a mortal sin that will send me straight to quail hell but I will take my chances and do it anyways. I look at these birds as more of pets anyways and if people didn't play around and propagate new mutations then all animals would look pretty well the same always and how boring would that be? Just my opinion not trying to start another "quail war." I think the snowflake mutation is beautiful and a friend of mine has a small # of them so I was fortunate enough to have seen them in person. I want to get some of those, breed some true but cross some to my mutation and just maybe I will get chicks that are snowflake in pattern with a base color of white and have reddish blond or grey marks all over instead of black. Wonder if this could b done with Tennessee reds to make a deep red snowflake. I could care less if anyone else didn't approve or didn't like them because I would, and am the one paying for and doing all the maintenance and care of the birds and if some people did like them also that would b awesome. Hmm and maybe I could make up my own stupid names for the mutations and they would get credited back to me for creating them or get credited back for ruining bobwhites and sent to quail hell lol. Either way I ain't scared. That would make me happy doing this and, to be blunt, my happiness is more important to me then anyone else's on here. I like the original wild color but everyone has those and I have had them and got bored with them. Same thing generation after generation. I will still breed for health and vigor but will probably breed against wild nature and for tame easy going birds like the coturnix. Others can breed for whatever they want but always thought the snowflake would be more of a challenge to spot in snowy winters for hunting so the hunters and gamebird hunt suppliers could breed for the wildest and crazy traits since that seems to be one of their biggest issues with mutations. I'm new and haven't noticed a difference in wild and mutated quail other then color and giants seem to be a bit bigger and slower but again just my opinion based on my observations of the lines I have seen.

I have a friend that breeds and sells his Bobwhites for hunts. He said the giants he has were getting him complaints by the hunters that they are not as much of a challenge as the originals so he is no longer breeding them true and is crossing the giants to some of the regular ones trying to develop a happy median. He agreed snowflakes would be a convo piece and prob give the hunters more of a challenge on snowy days so he is looking to add snowflake bob white quails to his list of game birds this year and work with them for this purpose since the wild color ones stick out like a sore thumb in the snow. He says the more challenge he can give his customers the happier they are and any birds that return after a hunt he resells so challenge ups his profits and makes his customers happy so win win there. Bob cats foxes and coyotes have gotten so bad now that wild populations of bobwhites are all but unheard of, are small in #, scarce and can no longer maintain their populations in this area as well as our wild grouse. Just 15 or 20 years ago it was common to see these birds almost on a daily basis and very uncommon to see a bob cat, coyote or even a wild turkey. Now its very common to see these predators and we see wild turkeys on almost a daily basis. So something is badly wrong here. Thank god the wild boar they introduced here didn't take off at all. I have seen the issues they have caused so many other states but think it would be awesome to hunt them.
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I am a survivor of the quail wars. Not too tattered really, the bruises healed quick. Although I have to admit I was a frightened quail chick back then and went hiding under the brush piles while the quail oil was spattered about the fields.

But I have to say that I never tire of the same old quail questions asked by the new folks. Somewhere along the lines I have developed a great tolerance and patience and enjoy helping out those that do not know things. I was a newbie once and I know how difficult it is to venture into uncharted waters. Some folks read up on how to swim first, others just dive in and either sink or swim.

I will always be around to throw in the life preserver IF I have the right one for the job...or should I say, question.
Im glad some of u guys r nice and r useing your quail powers for good and to help people. I also understand it does get old answering the same question over and over knowing if the person asking would just do a quick search or just read a few threads they would have thier answers in probally about the same amount of time it took them to ask. I spend alot of time doing research on any new animal I get and try to learn as much as I can on my own and prefer to find the answers to my questions then to wait and hope somone will answer me. I try to only post questions I have spent alot of time trying to find an answer and was unsuccessful. Btw after hours and days of searching I was able to find a close up pic of a nest full of Texas Blue Scale quail eggs and am gonna try to copy the pic and add it to the thread I started hopeing someone would help me. This way it can b used as a refference to anyone else who might have this question in the future.
Love that quote! But I'm there already! And just gettin started also came across anoother one on this forum......"My brain hurts" maybe it's me I can be a little "obsessive" about my projects. Being a newbie I have enjoyed the forum and researched for a long time on 100's of sites and decided I got more tips, info. And ideas here. I bred quarter horses for 17 years and those people invented the word "clickish. So this is mild! Seriously enjoyed every hour on the forum and almosst sure I'll b askin some "old questions" but will try to research for old threads first. Later..........
I was here many many moons got pretty loud at times!!!! When I came back....hmmm....I wasn't here anymore. Oh Well started new, that okay been gone over a year so everything has changed and is new too!!! LOL

Quail are growing, reproducing, loving freezer camp and the pickle jar. Incubator is of course full as are all the brooders!!!! Love the quail. I add two new lines of bird this year,, so I am excited to see the differences. But they all taste good!!!
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