Is my chicken egg bound? Have an illness?


Mar 21, 2021
I’ve got 5 chickens and for the past few weeks there has been a lot of pecking each other amongst them. I tried to stop the pecking as much as I could by using products such as Cooper & Gracies Anti Pecking Spray - however I’ve had no luck.

Last week I heard an awfully loud noise coming from my chicken pen, three of my chickens had cornered one and were pecking at it’s bum, resulting in it bleeding.

I’ve made a makeshift pen in my garage and placed the chicken that was being cornered into it, however I think she may be egg-bound. This chicken has always struggled when it comes to eggs, but she hasn’t produced any for the past 2-3 days now. Her feathers are very ruffled/feathered up, she isn’t eating or drinking much, she isn’t pooping much either and she keeps putting her head back into her back feathers to hide her face. I’ve felt her vent and you can feel what I think may be an egg stuck. At a last result, if she is egg-bound then we may use some substance such as KY Jelly and carefully try and extract the egg ourselves, however we’re worried that if this goes wrong then the egg may break inside her and lead to infection.

We’ve tried everything from feeding her calcium to doing hot water baths to soother her and open her muscles up a bit more, but these don’t seem to have worked. Please can someone help me and tell me what steps I can take to make her better!! Thank you :)
Have you inserted a finger in her vent to check for an egg? Is she straining?
How old is this hen?
She may have something else wrong with her.
My hen is 6 months old and I’m yet to insert a finger into her vent as I didn’t want to hurt her, but she isn’t straining.
My hen is 6 months old and I’m yet to insert a finger into her vent as I didn’t want to hurt her, but she isn’t straining.
Can you post a picture of her?
How much space is in your setup?
What are you feeding the flock? Do you have oyster shell out for them?
How much calcium have you given her and what form is it (calcium carbonate or citrate)? what dose (200, 250, 500 mg)?
Have you checked her crop? Is it full at night and flat and empty in the morning before she eats or drinks anything?
She’s been in a dog crate that we’ve been using to separate her from the rest, but we have been letting her have free roam of the garden while keeping the other chickens in their pen which is 20x40 metres of garden.
I’ve been feeding her Marriages free-range layer pellets, oyster shells and grit.
All my other 4 chickens are eating the same foods as this and have the same amount of space in the garden, so I doubt food and space may be the cause. Her crop is also full and flat at night and and empty in the morning before she eats so her digestive system seems okay.

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