Is my chicken run now 100% predator proof?

Farmer Mike S

7 Years
Oct 18, 2012
Glen Mills, PA
I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything. The run is built into the coop so it's roofed and has a 2x4 frame. It's completely enclosed with 1/2" hardware cloth that's secured with poultry stapes ( u shaped nails) space every 4 inches. The 2 doors to the coop part which is all plywood and 2x4s have 3 barrel bolt locks, and the two doors two the run have 4 barrel bolt locks. Hardware cloth is buried 2 inches down and runs 2 feet wide along the perimeter of the coop. Are my chickens finally safe to leave in the run at night or am I missing something?
My personal opinion is that if a predator really wants to get in they will. You can and should do all things possible to make it as tough as you can on them, but a determined coon, skunk, possum, or especially coyote or neighborhood dog will get what they want. I think dogs are the most dangerous to a flock because they have no fear of humans so scent, motion, and many other things that will at least temporarily deter a wild animal won't even phase a dog. My expectations are that my coop and run will at least take a predator some time to break into...hopefully a night or two so I will have time to see something has been trying and then I can set a trap or wait for them and take care of them. Most nights my birds are locked up tight in the coop, but my run is covered and has wire buried and running 24 inches out so if we get back late or are out of town it should be ok for the door to be left open.....I just don't do it often so as to tempt anything. The set-up you have sounds secure (assuming the run is covered) but keep a close eye for spots where something has been digging or trying to break in and repair or re-enforce as needed and you should be good.
I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything. The run is built into the coop so it's roofed and has a 2x4 frame. It's completely enclosed with 1/2" hardware cloth that's secured with poultry stapes ( u shaped nails) space every 4 inches. The 2 doors to the coop part which is all plywood and 2x4s have 3 barrel bolt locks, and the two doors two the run have 4 barrel bolt locks. Hardware cloth is buried 2 inches down and runs 2 feet wide along the perimeter of the coop. Are my chickens finally safe to leave in the run at night or am I missing something?
Sounds good to me...can you post some pics?

In hindsight, loop latches with carabiners might be better and cheaper than all those barrel locks, but the chance of a raccoon undoing all the barrels locks on an access is probably slim.
That sounds pretty darn good to me.

How well do poultry staples hold up once the wood gets older and drier, with a large male coon pulling on it? If it was mine, I'd add a few wood screws with washers scattered around. Just to be safe. That's how we usually do it and it's held up well against all the woodland vandals around here.

I was thinking a hasp latch with a carabiner would be good on each door, too. We've also done that.
I thought my three coops were predator proof. I have had no successful attacks for three years.....until yesterday. I went out and saw dead pullets in one of my coops. My coops and runs are fully enclosed and plugged what may have been a place the raccoon might have forced their way in. Today, one coon met the reaper and will lay traps for any more. Another poultry farmer called my coops Fort Knox, really never know until poo happens.

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