Is Smoky an Andalusian?


Feb 24, 2022
So as some of you know, back in February I got 6 orpingtons and 6 olive eggers from Tractor Supply. Out of the 6 olive eggers, one of them was very different from the other 5. I thought maybe Smoky was just a different mix of olive egger but now I'm not so sure. The reason being, for the past 3 days I have been finding a white egg amongst the brown eggs being laid... my EEs are not old enough to be laying so I know for a fact it's not them (about 16 weeks old) and my olive eggers and orpingtons have been laying brown eggs. So I got to researching and I'm wondering if maybe Smoky is an Andalusian. Here are some pics of her I took today. Sorry if they aren't great quality, she wouldn't stay still for the pictures.

The black/white chickens you see are the olive eggers, for comparison.



That is true, but also hatchery Blue Leghorns show often other than the correct leg colour.

Whatever her ancestry is @TexasGirl97 , just enjoy her ff and eggs!
We do not seem to have hatcheries selling blue leghorns in the US.
I've seen a couple that listed them but they've not had them available so....

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