Is this a respiratory illness or something else?

do you have a pic of his son
Yes, I do. Here is one. I don't have very good recent close up pictures of him.
This one is from last year. Haru is on the left and his sister Maria, is right next to him and then their mom Totoro is next to Maria. Sadly Maria died Aug of last year, so Haru Totoro and Chiharu are the only cayuga's we have.

Edit: I will get some good photos of him today. And I will most likely have photos of some of the other birds as well.
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It is 10 degrees outside right now and snowing, thankfully it is not to windy. Haru wasn't coughing today.
And the vetrx didn't seem to work so I think I will try a different method of applying it to the chickens it was also really cold last night. The chickens were kind of sneezing here and there. And the ducks seem to think it is a good idea to play around in their water dish's. Especially Rose. I forgot to dump out all the water buckets last night.

I got pictures of Haru and his mom and his dad. But I am not going to send them on this thread. Except this one.
I am thinking tomorrow or when the weather is nicer that I will work on better ventilation. Like drilling holes or whatever I decide is best. It would be nice if someone can suggest which part of the top of the coop I should do that to. I am also going to do more research on it as well. Its nice to get different opinions, and suggestions on what to do.
so I went out and took some more pics of the coop. But I am thinking of making a different thread to post the pictures there that way I can talk about the chickens respiratory issue, without a ton of pictures of the coop.
I made a thread in coop and maintenance, it has all the pictures that I took of the coop.
It is called "sort of remodeling my coop? Need input." I don't know how to make a link to it right now so you will have to find it, if you want to see all the rest of the coop pictures.
the vetrx didn't seem to work so I think I will try a different method of applying it to the chickens it was also really cold last night. The chickens were kind of sneezing here and there.
Without fixing the ventilation and housing, VetRx and/or antibiotics are not going to work very well since illness is not the main cause of their symptoms.
When you get more ventilation, the coop/housing cleaned out and maybe even providing more space, then most of the respiratory issues will resolve on their own.

Here's a link to your coop thread. I'm sure you'll get some pointers there and hopefully can make some corrections that will get you on track to make some adjustments so your flock can feel better.
Without fixing the ventilation and housing, VetRx and/or antibiotics are not going to work very well since illness is not the main cause of their symptoms.
When you get more ventilation, the coop/housing cleaned out and maybe even providing more space, then most of the respiratory issues will resolve on their own.

Here's a link to your coop thread. I'm sure you'll get some pointers there and hopefully can make some corrections that will get you on track to make some adjustments so your flock can feel better.
Thank you! I was just thinking that it would help them breath a little better until then they just seem to have a little bit of congestion. I did take pictures of there nostrils today.
Here they are.

The picture below is of Darth vader, she is one of the older hens. And I though I got some pictures of the side of her face.

The picture below is of Luna she came with the coop that we currently have, she was like 1 or 2 years old when we got her.

I also got a picture from a different angle of Rose's bill.

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