Is this a respiratory illness or something else?

Thank you! I was just thinking that it would help them breath a little better until then they just seem to have a little bit of congestion. I did take pictures of there nostrils today.
Here they are.View attachment 3020014
The picture below is of Darth vader, she is one of the older hens. And I though I got some pictures of the side of her face.
View attachment 3020016View attachment 3020012
The picture below is of Luna she came with the coop that we currently have, she was like 1 or 2 years old when we got her.View attachment 3020010View attachment 3020005
I also got a picture from a different angle of Rose's bill.View attachment 3020025
Rose looks good for a duck with a bill deformity. @WVduckchick has a Call duck named Garth with a bill deformity.

As for your Pekin, she would probably benefit from extra niacin. Even with waterfowl specific foods, the niacin amounts just aren't enough for ducks like Pekins. All flock feed is a good feed, but I believe she'd benefit from some nutritional yeast or a super B vitamin in liquid form. Any chance you can get pictures of her feet, while she's standing and then the bottom of her feet. Does she have swelling in her legs and/or feet? I realize this thread is for respiratory issues but the Pekin has been mentioned so I wanted to chime in. I also have a Pekin and they have extra needs. I know you hate to see her getting picked on. It's good that she's still bathing. Hopefully she'll continue this for her feather quality. You have some gorgeous chickens and ducks 😍
Rose looks good for a duck with a bill deformity. @WVduckchick has a Call duck named Garth with a bill deformity.

As for your Pekin, she would probably benefit from extra niacin. Even with waterfowl specific foods, the niacin amounts just aren't enough for ducks like Pekins. All flock feed is a good feed, but I believe she'd benefit from some nutritional yeast or a super B vitamin in liquid form. Any chance you can get pictures of her feet, while she's standing and then the bottom of her feet. Does she have swelling in her legs and/or feet? I realize this thread is for respiratory issues but the Pekin has been mentioned so I wanted to chime in. I also have a Pekin and they have extra needs. I know you hate to see her getting picked on. It's good that she's still bathing. Hopefully she'll continue this for her feather quality. You have some gorgeous chickens and ducks 😍
Thank you!
I have been looking for the vitamin b complex but can't find the one I want Murdochs doesn't seem to have the durvet stuff, which I would be most comfortable getting since I see that brand being recommended all the time on here. I just don't want to possibly get the wring thing. Angel, is really pretty they all are.
And I do have a picture of the bottom of her feet from last year, I believe there isn't any change since then.
There isn't any swelling, I will check tomorrow just to be sure. And do you know how to prevent them from losing there toe nails? Angel has had bumble foot in the past but it like went away completely on its own I think. And I think that some of her issues now are from probably from the bumble foot.
my three year old pekin Angelina also has bumble foot and I actually want to treat it not leave it be like I did with Angel a few years back I did not trust myself to treat it correctly.
This is also from the same day I took that picture of Angles foot. Their feet look bad, and I really want to fix it as soon as possible. I have made a thread about Angelina's bumble foot as well. I can post about Angels feet there that way the talk of bumble foot won't hijack this one.

Here is the link to the thread that I made for Angelina's bumble foot,
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So the bag of all flock is all gone now. we had gotten the layer pellets again because my dad wasn't sure when we were next going to be able to get some because of weather and Wal-Mart not always having what we need when we need it, a bit after we got the bag of all flock, so now they are back on layer feed until we get more all flock, is there anything I should give the drakes and rooster, and even the hens? I know it will only be a maybe a week before we get more all flock so I am not to concerned but I just want to be sure. I mean they were on layer feed for like 4 years before this one bag of all flock that we got. All though now that I know about all flock this bag of layer that we currently have is the last unless layer is needed for the hens in the future.
So the bag of all flock is all gone now. we had gotten the layer pellets again because my dad wasn't sure when we were next going to be able to get some because of weather and Wal-Mart not always having what we need when we need it, a bit after we got the bag of all flock, so now they are back on layer feed until we get more all flock, is there anything I should give the drakes and rooster, and even the hens? I know it will only be a maybe a week before we get more all flock so I am not to concerned but I just want to be sure. I mean they were on layer feed for like 4 years before this one bag of all flock that we got. All though now that I know about all flock this bag of layer that we currently have is the last unless layer is needed for the hens in the future.
So forget the whole it will be a week thing.
My dad got a bag of all flock today.
It is the country companion all flock pellets, in case anyone was wondering.
So forget the whole it will be a week thing.
My dad got a bag of all flock today.
It is the country companion all flock pellets, in case anyone was wondering.
Even though it's not recommended for Drakes and roosters due to the extra calcium.. I've known a lot of people who just feed layer to their mixed flocks. I wouldn't worry about it much if it was just temporary but since you do have some heavier birds that might need more niacin.. I would stick with the all flock if you can with oyster shell free choice on the side.
And it may be a good idea to still give your ducks some niacin supplement.
Back to the ventilation issue..
I would just see if your dad would go out there and start drilling a line of holes just along the roof line as high up as you can without getting into the roof support boards. As long as the holes are under an inch you shouldn't have to cover them with hardware cloth.
Back to the ventilation issue..
I would just see if your dad would go out there and start drilling a line of holes just along the roof line as high up as you can without getting into the roof support boards. As long as the holes are under an inch you shouldn't have to cover them with hardware cloth.
Thank you, I was going have him do that yesterday but he got home an hour or so before dark so we couldn't do it.
Even though it's not recommended for Drakes and roosters due to the extra calcium.. I've known a lot of people who just feed layer to their mixed flocks. I wouldn't worry about it much if it was just temporary but since you do have some heavier birds that might need more niacin.. I would stick with the all flock if you can with oyster shell free choice on the side.
And it may be a good idea to still give your ducks some niacin supplement.
Thank you. We have never given them oyster shells or grit, we also have dirt basically every where, and the ducks during the summer always ate there eggs same with the chickens. We stoped collecting collecting there eggs a few years ago (they are all a bunch free loaders) which I don't mind, they entertain me plenty. Especially the ducks its so cute when they do the short little quacks (Idk how to describe the sound) when they are curious about something.
Thank you. We have never given them oyster shells or grit, we also have dirt basically every where, and the ducks during the summer always ate there eggs same with the chickens. We stoped collecting collecting there eggs a few years ago (they are all a bunch free loaders) which I don't mind, they entertain me plenty. Especially the ducks its so cute when they do the short little quacks (Idk how to describe the sound) when they are curious about something.
If you were using layer feed they wouldn't need the oyster shell normally. Unless you just happen to have some that need more calcium than others.
They should not really need grit either as long as they have access to ground to Noodle and dig in they will find their own.
I will occasionally throw some grit out for mine in the winter when the ground is Frozen and I give them treats to eat like cut up veggies and meal worms.
If they're just getting commercial feed though they shouldn't even need the grit.

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