Is this the start of cocci?


In the Brooder
May 1, 2024

New to chicks & I’m worried! We hatched 10 chicks recently, they will be 3 weeks Saturday.

Today while doing daily chicken chores I noticed some stool look like this (pic attached), google was conflicting…

I went out and bought corrid to be safe and started them on it tonight. Will they be ok if it’s not coccidiosis? IMG_4401.jpeg
if its not coccidiosis its from stress. but the poo will be red and won't have blood. But I think it is coccidiosis. I'm 90% sure it is and if the first pic is what they're poops be looking like then they have it for sure.
if its not coccidiosis its from stress. but the poo will be red and won't have blood. But I think it is coccidiosis. I'm 90% sure it is and if the first pic is what they're poops be looking like then they have it for sure.
Oh interesting! I didnt know stress could cause that!
I know Corid can be a treatment and preventative. I shared a post recently of our bought with coccidiosis, and our chicks were hunched over like they were cold.
(Search my name and 'urgent')

I was told 2tbs per one gallon of water. Good luck
Thank you! I will look into your post

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