Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

Who's dang pecan pie have you had??? Jello makes me gag. I can assure you a real pecan pie contains zero jello-like substance.
Well, this probably explains it all: it was made by my satan mother in law. It literally was pecan flavored jello crap with pecans stuffed inside, on a crust
It's the jelloishness that I hate. Hate jello and the pie is all jello
What on Earth kind of pecan pie have you been given?
Pecan pie should not be gelatinous in the slightest. It should be sticky, but not cohesive like jello. It should have a melty, soft texture with a bit of body from butter.
Who is putting jello in their pecan pie? I need to talk with them. No, I am not sharpening my scalpels. They're already sharp. Do tell, Trip.
What on Earth kind of pecan pie have you been given?
Pecan pie should not be gelatinous in the slightest. It should be sticky, but not cohesive like jello. It should have a melty, soft texture with a bit of body from butter.
Who is putting jello in their pecan pie? I need to talk with them. No, I am not sharpening my scalpels. They're already sharp. Do tell, Trip.
Keep reading and all will be answered

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