Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

That is probably why she suggested it. I won't use powdered creamer either. If I wanted prison blend coffee, I'd go to jail.
Ahahahaha DEAD!!! 😭🤣 I don’t use powdered crap either lol but I hate coffee but like caffeine so it has to taste like milk or creamer or vanilla, caramel, etc. instead of coffee.
Lmao probably true!
Downton Abbey GIF
Yeah. Stupid Fox. THAT is a cult classic for ya. :)
Aren't they working on a reboot?
I like cult classics, even campy ones, but only as long as they come out and say "this movie is cheesy, campy and has no intent be serious" instead of "this is the greatest film known the God and man, please ignore all the troupes."

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