Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

I live in the Midwest, but with family down there in the path, I keep my eye on what's happening. My brother is safe. Flooding down by his place. People needing rescuing if they didn't leave. Thankfully, brother left. Nieces, however, are in the path. I wish so much they had evacuated!
My brother he will have a mess to clean up when he goes home. Told him "things" can be cleaned, repaired or replaced if needed but people can't. (Well, I guess people could be cleaned and even repaired but not replaced...) Glad he evacuated.

He told me the girls were safe but are out of power (which I expected). They have some storm damage outside, but not as bad as it could have been considering how close they were to the path.

Thank you for any prayers said for them!

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