Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

A small wedding would be a good choice for most. The cost of a large, fancy wedding could be used for a down payment on a house instead. People just need to decide which is more important to them: Spending thousands on a fancy affair for a day, or getting the chance to buy a home of their own. The house will last longer than the married couple, so it is the better option, in my opinion (that is not explicitly a slap at marriage, but buildings tend to last longer than humans. That is what I mean). And the home could be left to children, to give shelter to future generations. The memory of your wedding will only continue while those that were there are alive. Weigh those options. Which is a better investment? Though, if you already have a home, or dream of a different path, then go for the big hubba-baloo. 😎🥳
Agree with much of that, but will clarify that the marriage is much more important than the "wedding."
Oh yes, forget the evil mother in law. The one who's picture you handed to the reception people and told them that she is not allowed in the hall before the reception starts. The dumb broad tried to sneak in and change the centerpieces. Good thing I could see through her antics and had her banned until we got there. Man, was she pissed
I think your mother in law must work for my company...

I think you have to throw in an "Eh" while you wave your arms
This Up Here GIF by Chord Overstreet

is that like a cobra chicken?
No no. They're like American bald eagles, except they don't own guns.

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