Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

Long time no post. What up beeches?
Gonna just keep hugging you!
I Love You Hug GIF
I hate all of that. And also this.
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It gives me the bad ick.

It's been like that around here too. We didn't get nearly enough rain. For which I am partly thankful, but it is what it is. It's nice not mowing every three days, but it is also nice to drive ovr a bridge that is over water and not a pasture with a creek running through it.

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I can't pull up the actual video on TikTok because Texas hates "communist China" and it's blocked on all state owned assets and also from the wifi accessing it. But look that video up. Funniest reaction. There was boba everywhere. lol
Does my avatar bother you? 😂😜

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