Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

We only had one school day this week! Monday was MLK day, Tuesday was a planned day off, records day. Teachers had to go in to finish grades but no kids so no lunches needed. Then Wednesday was called off because of the bitter wind chills, Thursday we had school and snow day today. Yeah, don't hate. Oh, all days were paid too😁
Glad the kids got paid
We only had one school day this week! Monday was MLK day, Tuesday was a planned day off, records day. Teachers had to go in to finish grades but no kids so no lunches needed. Then Wednesday was called off because of the bitter wind chills, Thursday we had school and snow day today. Yeah, don't hate. Oh, all days were paid too😁
Justin Timberlake What GIF

They've only had 2 days of school here since Christmas break started.
We were out today for wind chills too.
Justin Timberlake What GIF

Our county sheriff declared a snow emergency, level 2. No one should drive unless absolutely necessary. 6 inches isin't much for us but we are pretty rural so plows don't come out our way for awhile
Justin Timberlake What GIF

You just made my day. No, my entire week. :bow
Glad I could help. lol
Gene Simmons might be a better name.
Her tongue didn't use to hang out like that. She had all of her teeth pulled because they were all abscessed. I wouldn't let her drink before those portraits after I groomed her, so it hung out a lot farther than usual. She's 14, and her tongue can hang out whenever it wants. lol, I like poking it when it's all dry when she's been asleep.
Glad I could help. lol

Her tongue didn't use to hang out like that. She had all of her teeth pulled because they were all abscessed. I wouldn't let her drink before those portraits after I groomed her, so it hung out a lot farther than usual. She's 14, and her tongue can hang out whenever it wants. lol, I like poking it when it's all dry when she's been asleep.
My partner got home half an hour ago and the first thing out of my mouth was "You have to see this dog named Eevee."

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