Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

Need to be able to keep a dollar first. 😅 I just shelled out all of the money I got for my birthday from my mom, and all of my savings, just 2 days ago for rides to two hospitals (one of which is nearing the border to Maine, so, what? 70+ miles each way?). I am back to having a whopping $7 that is not already claimed by a utility bill. I am cancelling my piercing appointment, though. So that will save me $300. I am hoping to have at least $700 saved before Christmas.
In that case, save your money. They will be better next year. ;)
I have already begun researching foods/exercises and all of that, but I will take the word of the doctors over that of an online article, so I am reading it all with a grain of salt.
Solid thinking. Research will give you some background knowledge that the professionals can refine.
If you don't already know them, learn the difference between carbs, fats and proteins. Look at how insulin assist the glucose (fuel) into the cells. Type 1 vs type 2 DM and how weight gain/loss can effect type 2.
Natural insulin is made in the pancreas (which also makes digestive juices.) You may know most of this already so it will be a refresher.
In that case, save your money. They will be better next year. ;)
These were honestly the best I've ever had! Great flavor not just burn your lips off hot. Not real big but good size

Sucks. Just when it seems like you're making headway, bam.
Every. Single. Time. I had finally managed to save up a few hundred and BAM! All gone. It is always because of an emergency, too. I had more than $7k saved in 2021, but then we realized that our kitchen floor was rotting out, so I shelled it all out to fix and replace everything. I had almost $1k saved last summer, and then I lost my job. So that all went into keeping the family afloat until I could get back to work. 😵‍💫
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