LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

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I still have the greenhouse job. I think I start Thursday (it was friday, but when i explained that i had the 26th and 27th unavailable, the owner just said to come in that Thursday then, which makes me worried that he was thinking that friday was my first day and not the 19th), I'll be doing thar paperwork then too.

I'm so excited, though I'm going to be exhausted until school's out since I'll be going from 32.5 hours a week to like 50+ a week until June starts
I still have the greenhouse job. I think I start Thursday (it was friday, but when i explained that i had the 26th and 27th unavailable, the owner just said to come in that Thursday then, which makes me worried that he was thinking that friday was my first day and not the 19th), I'll be doing thar paperwork then too.

I'm so excited, though I'm going to be exhausted until school's out since I'll be going from 32.5 hours a week to like 50+ a week until June starts
What are you studying for college? Just curious.
Aha. Is that why you need natural hair colors?
No. I can dye my hair any color at the school because they don't see how my appearance affects my professional abilities. I've had red, orange, pink, blue, and blonde-white here.

Ace requires natural colors, which is why I was not as excited about that job, but they never called me back after my interview either so I'm not worried anymore.

Masterlube doesn't care, they said I can even have a face tattoo so long as it's not crude/vulgar/racist.

I'll be asking about the greenhouse rules when I go in later this week, but even if they require natural colors, they're not open all year, so in the off season if I go to masterlube to work, I can have my fun colors then
Ya'll I got some potentially sad news... my little wayward chick that was hatching sideways/not at the air cell? My bf and I were keeping a constant watch on her and making sure the humidity didn't drop too low. I have to check but... she's rather still... I think she might be gone.

And I was just about to make a post asking for tips on how to assist her out too because of the way she blew off a huge amount of shell but not the membrane.... ugh. I'll keep ya'll posted, maybe we'll get a miracle.

Edit: I just checked. She's as still as stone. Time to see if the other five eggs are even alive/internally pipped. I'm hoping they are.

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